The Sky Circuit

The Sky Circuit 0.8

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The layout itself is quite superb - the way the road intertwines with the islands and trees is so creative and serves to really enhance the experience. This is probably the most inspired and aweing fantasy circuit I have ever seen.

As for feedback: some work on the lighting (in places too bright, in others too dark - could be to do with my settings), and removing the barriers so a full lap can be completed.
Thanks! This is really appreciated, and yes I will make a real circuit layout for full laps to be possible, my intention was to make a tourist nords kinda thing, also I would need more info on how you have your lights set up to work on it, I want the track to look decent on most configs people could have.
this track is quite like heaven and it's really challenging but also fast. and i like that since it is in the sky, falling off will be painful
Like the idea. Something new and special. Thx a lot. :-)
Thanks to you for trying it out!

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