Switzerland Grand Prix Circuit

Switzerland Grand Prix Circuit 2.1

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I've played this track over several different versions, and over the course of each and every one I've watched it improve dramatically. Every single issue I found in my past reviews has been addressed in the latest version, and this track is practically the best it could be in its current version.

If you want a fast, flowing circuit at a high altitude with some pretty views, look no further.
I am extremely pleased with this track. It feels absolutely incredible to drive, offering some stunning views on the early turns even with the fairly simplistic visual design, with lots of fun corners and altitude shifts befitting of its fantastical, high-altitude setting. If you're looking for a new, fun mountain track to do laps on, look no further - however, be aware that while the visual issues have been cleaned up almost completely since my last review, there are still a few standout problems.

While the terrain makes the execution of cuts mostly non-viable, there are almost no, if any (I couldn't find any during playtesting) anti-cut zones on this track. If you find a skip, there's nothing stopping you from abusing it. There's some rough geometry on an early chicane, too - it will never affect you if you're driving the track as intended, but be prepared to fall through the world or get flung into the air if you don't.

Furthermore, the pitlane has no speed limit - you can soar right through it in what would very nearly be an effective shortcut if it weren't for the fact that laps completed through the pitlane are not credited at all.

This is a very good track with some outstanding technical issues. You should never encounter them during hotlapping and practice sessions, but using this for racing outside of hotlapping isn't something I'd recommend in its current state.
Firstly I'd like to it it a great track, the layout and the undulations are excellent and it flows nicely too. Good Job fella

My only issues with it, and these are purely personal, are the asthetics, the look and feel of it. I really feel it would suit this kind of vibe https://www.overtake.gg/downloads/suzukitto-suzuka-variations.71959/ .I have been using a 1973 F1 mod with it and it is superb, reminds me of that era of tracks which is why i think a more retro feel would suit it perfectly. Also there are places where if you run wide you can run on the grass and you get no loss of traction or slow down.

Track feels absolutely fantastic to drive the whole way around - nice flow, fun corners, love the altitude changes. Even with the fairly simplistic terrain and texture the views are gorgeous. I'd give a full five stars if it weren't for one problem - there's a lot of odd issues with the scenery around the track, especially regarding flickering and pop-in.

Billboards and rocks pop into existence all over the track, and distant trees will have regular texture-flickering. If it weren't for the distracting texture flickering and pop-ins around the track, I would give this one a full five stars.
Thank you for the kind words and helpful feedback! Some of the objects like rocks and billboards had low LOD values which caused the popping in of objects. Check out the just posted 1.3 update, which fixed the issue on my end!
This track is visually beautiful tho made of the simplest elements and textures. A Challenging layout with big elevation changes and blind corners. Great fun!
Looking forward to more of your work.


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