- Reworked Realtives and Leaderboards to incorporate Repetition Coding (way less fields when editing the overlay)
- Forced GTD class to be green as GT3
- Leaderboards: Fixed Best Lap format in non-race sessions (1:23:456 -> 1:23.456)
- Header: Added "Leader on last lap" notification for lap races
- Relatives: Moved "on Lap" to players Gap column
- Relatives: Added "Fuel at end" value to the header (serves as a refuel value) - THIS IS IN TESTING!!
Finally we found the issue why the overlay is sometimes completely broken. The cause of this is a car/team name with a # in it. That way the GS plugin cannot determine the car number (which rF2 doesnt provide natively BTW) and causes the plugin to crash. Its currently being looked at by Gary and needs an update of the plugin for it to be fixed. Please be patient for the release. I will notify in here with an updte when it happens! Cheers
- A lot of work done overall
- Changed alot of JS equations to NCalc to speed up calculations
- Fixed some Simhub errors
- Tyre Hor: optimized tyre type name
- Header: Added small day counter to session timer in practice
- Header: Added Finish flag for Lap Races
- Relatives: Some optimizations for data visibility
- Relatives: Added BOX indication for cars in garage (shows red DNF in a race)
- Relative Teams: Removed Surname infront of teamnames due to a bug with GS plugin, will be added back later
- Leaderboards: Added car numbers
- Leaderboard Teams: Change Team Name to car name from simhub (to avoid bugs)
- Leaderboards: Added BOX indication for cars in garage (shows red DNF in a race)
- Header: Added F1 style time left notification for (12,6,3,2 hrs / 60,30,15,5 min)
Design revamp:
- Leaderboard & Header titles now all upper case
- Made all widget backgrounds black to be in line with S397 broadcast overlay
- Relative: Revised number display, now in italic font and without the # symbol
- Leaderboard: Fixed Lap display for multiclass
- Relative Teams: Adjusted font size for multiclass (all smaller)
- Relative Teams: Display of only lastname in the teams version
- Relative: Added error message for rF2 No data bug whithout a timed lap set
- Leaderboard Teams: Fixed name size in practice (race still automated)
- Header: Display up to 6 classes
- Header: Displays current lap count when total 5 classes or lower
- Header: Single Class display, when the only second class is the "Safety Car"
- Leaderboard: Fixed Int and Gap display bug showing eg. +1:010
- Leaderboard: Corrected PIT position
- Relative: Small alignment and name length adjustemenst
- Relative: Exchanged track temp for "on Lap" display, as track temp is not important in rF2
- Relative: Header data font color to grey for better readability and distinguishment
- Tire widgets: grey pressure font
Fixed little bugs found during the RGPL 24h Spa:
- Header: Fixed "On LAP" text overlap lap number
- Leaderboard: Fixed Gap & Int minute display
- Relative Teams: Added player name font size formula
- Added Relative with Teamnames behind driver names (this might be a little cluttered especially in Multiclass, but it enhances awareness of teams)
- Leaderboard: Fixed Wrong teamnames in Top 10
- Added additional Leaderboard that contains Car Names (Team Names) instead of driver name
- Leaderboard: Fixed line display when drivers leaving server
- Relative: Fuel laps left blinks red now when under 1Lap left
- Leaderboard: No more empty lines and therefore wasted space
- Leaderboard: Fixed background width for Race
Tyre compounds are here (currently only for Soft, Medium, Hard, Inter and Wet compounds)
- Leaderboard: Added Tyre info for cars in same class and on OTHER compound than player
- Relative: Added Tyre info for cars in same class and on OTHER compound than player
- Leaderboard: Fixed PIT badge not shown for P11-P12
- Leaderboard: Optimized and fixed some LastLap displays
- Leaderboard: red "invalid" now displayed for invalid laps
- Leaderboard: Race overlay now features Int AND Gap (both update at specific locations on the track), I will have a look into Int not working when +1L behind
- Leaderboard: Gap and Int auto-format to minute and Laps behind (eg. +1:04, +2L) display
- Leaderboard: Corrected Last lap background color
- Removed rounded corners for a more modern look
- Leaderboard: Auto collapse Top 10 display when less than 10 drivers
- Leaderboard: Adjusted Last lap background to new color
- Leaderboard: Grey out feature added for drivers in pit (like relative)
- Names now scale in font size depending on length (just 2 steps down for now)
- TireInfoHor: Added Oil and Water Temp (only available on some cars!)
- Adjusted class info and colours
- Darkened background to be less distracting at night
- Leaderboard: Fixed some minor visual things
- Corrected widget/file names
- Leaderboard: Hopefully fixed PIT badge shown for cars not on server
- Header: Fixed flag display (only yellow was shown before)
- Leaderboard: Space adjustments in preparation for a teamname version
- More car class name shortening in relative and header in multiclass
- Added new Tire Info Widget:
- 2 Versions: horizontal and vertical
- Vertical version perfectly fits near the relative (same height)
- Tire compound info on hporizontal widget
- pressure
- camber temps visualization
- average temps
- brake temps (red above 700C front, 600C rear)
- wear (red under 75%)