Realistic Damage Mod

Realistic Damage Mod 1.6

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Did a 50% race in my Driver Career at Miami (Year 4) and only 7 cars finished the race.. 110 AI qualified 2nd with a team 4th on the depth chart. and before I could finish the first lap 9 cars behind me had pulled off with terminal damage. 1 Red Flag, 2 Safety Cars. Right Now I give it average. But with some tweaks I think it could be really good. Just a bit too sensitive at the moment. Good effort though. I will point out I'm also using the Realistic Aero mod that causing a larger dirty air factor and makes it harder to pass as well as a loss of grip when following very close at high speed. This may have contributed to all these AI cars crashing...
The mod seems to be working quite well so far (3 races in).

I have a YouTube playlist of my Career Mode where I'm using this mod.

Request for future mods:
If you're continuing modding, I would love a mod that combines this damage mod with an increased dirty air mod for realistic difficulties of following cars closely (like 'Realistic race overhaul' by wherli hansnea), and an increased tyre wear mod for 2 stop pit-strategies for 35% race distances. But I understand modding is time consuming and you most likely have better things to do, so I get it if you don't want to start a project like that. Thank you for the damage mod, it's great!
works as intended thank you

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