RasmusP's LUTs for G27/29 and DFGT

RasmusP's LUTs for G27/29 and DFGT 2.0

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this is simply AWESOME! i use the recommended one but with 80% ingame ffb, a complete game changer!!! looks a got myself a new wheel!
Hehe, thanks for calling it AWESOME (there's a German poetry slam video where AWESOME is the most used word, lol).
80% seems a bit much but as long as it feels good for you, I'm happy that you're having fun :)
This made AC like being a complete new game, got the game for years and just recently explored this "mod". Amazing 10/5 ;)
Thanks for the 10/5 rating :D Happy to see that even after years of getting used to something else, my little lut make for a positive change :)
The improvement is insane
Thanks! :) it's astonishing how much difference a little change around the center can do. And it's sad how little the devs care for it. Every game could easily implement such a feature and get a preset for all logitech wheels...
Hi thanks for your hard work, however im not getting any ffb with the logitechG27. Can you help me out?
Hi, thanks for still giving me these stars :)
You seem to have the same problem as Kozzion (rating below yourself). Please write in the support area of this download so we can solve it :)
Hello, thank you for your hard work! I am a complete noob in the simracing scene and am using a logitech G27.
I did all the instructions you wrote and everything runs smooth!
What I do "miss" is that my steer does not give any Force feedback? it doesnt shake while hitting kerbs or feels any resistance when I steer into corners and such?
Is this as intended ? Or did I do something wrong ?
First, thanks for still giving me 5 stars although you don't have any force feedback. :)
Second: please let's solve this problem in the support area where we can talk better. I'll make a post :)
Excellent application FOR MY G27 !!!but why put 900 degrees? I usually drive cars that have a 360 degree angle of rotation how should I do? Ah you a setting for that because I want a stop?
Hi, thanks for the stars :)
Assetto corsa uses the correct degrees for each car, as long as the logitech panel and the ingame degrees are the same. So what you are using is hardware lock, what you'd need would be to activate the "softlock".
But the ac softlock is pretty bad sadly...
For some reason though, the force feedback gets amplified when using less rotation. So going from 900 to 450 will boost (and clip) the force feedback.
I would recommend that yoh just use this LUT like you do now and if the wheel shakes on straights, simply use numpad minus until the ffb is low enough to not shake anymore :)
Or you use 900 and activate the softlock.
Either in content manager or:
Then at the bottom- [SOFT_LOCK] ENABLED=1
Wow, I have to be honest I was skeptical at first, I didn't think this could improve the FFB that much but I only needed to race half a lap to realize what a game-changer it is. Using G29 and AC feels awesome now, racing feels so much more immersive now! Thanks a lot for your work!
Thanks for taking the time to write this nice message :)
Occasionally I went back to without a LUT and indeed, massive difference although it's really just a little curve for the few first percent of ffb output!
I wish you great fun with AC!
Thanks a lot! First day with a newly bought G27 and the game is transformed. SO GOOD :)
Thanks for the review! Great to see it's still making other people happy :)
What can I say? This LUT guide has totally transformed AC for me, to the point it almost feels a different sim now. I grew fond of rF2 and AMS for their superior FFB to the point of almost putting AC aside.

This custom LUT not only fixes the dreaded dead zone in a much better way than the minimum force setting but crucially it unleashes much more finer grained detail on the FFB when playing AC with my G29 wheel now.

IMHO every Logitech owner would have a better AC experience if this could be integrated officially into AC as a default profile for their wheels.
Thanks man, I really appreciate the kind words! :)
Works great with Logitech G25 wheel. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you for writing a review. Feels great to get this kind of feedback :)
Excellent on my old G25, Cheers.
Cheers to you for still keeping the g25. Hopefully it'll satisfy you for some years to come!
Meh. Didn't fell like a huge improvement from my previous settings. I'm using a G29. The wheel now feels dead when driving on a straight line, theres no feedback whatsoever from the road bumps, and theres no resistance to turn the wheel when the car is stopped. Also it feels extremely light when driving racecars, which I don't like. It was easier to tell where was the threshold of grip on road cars. But I preferred my old settings so I'll revert back.
If you like, make a post in the support area. It reads like there was something not quite right with your settings. I created this to give me a tight and alive feel at the center. So the opposite of what you're reporting.
The lack of resistance while standing still doesn't come from the lut. Just raise the "damper" slider in the logitech panel and put "damper gain" back up to whatever you like :)
Night and day comparison between this and the stock G29 Config. Thank you for your effort! It is much appreciated.
Still makes me happy to read these reviews. Thanks for taking your time to give me a smile! :)
Wow...for a year I have used a personal LUT file generated by wheel check, it was a little improvement but always rubbish....but yours is astonishing. Now I can play AC very well, thank you!!
Thanks for giving me such a great feedback! This is exactly why I created it. Mainly for my self but it's really great to know that it makes others enjoy AC just like I do with it! :)
OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH for this i got it finally to work after couple days , i did many things wrong before , but now i did it the right way.

I am a noob when it comes to this stuff , Assetto corsa is a real pleasure now thanks to people like you!!!

I don't know how to thank you for this.
Hehe, after you stopped posting I wondered if you were just back to default settings.
Glad you gave it a try again and this time with success! :)
Your words are enough for me to make me feel these threads were and are worth the time I've spent noting everything down. The settings are done for my own pleasure. Nothing to thank me for them :p
Works very nice with my G25.
Feels almost as a real car wheel, at least as close as it can be with a wheel like that.
Thanks !
amazing thank you now i can ply ac and fun fun
Thank you very much!
Thank you for everything that you do! This is an amazing resource and guide. Well done
Thank you very much for this excellent guide and LUT files. I notice my G29 is feeling much smoother to make Assetto Corsa even more enjoyable. The G29 rattling noise got greatly reduced as well. This finally makes it possible for me to race at night without disturbing other people.

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