Procedurally Generated Rally & League - Stage Demo Pack #1

Procedurally Generated Rally & League - Stage Demo Pack #1 0.2

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Great Job. Is this still in development?
4 stars, Just for encouragement to develop further.
Well done guy. Both stages: but and end otherwise the car fall in the void. Gravel stage: 1) seems to drive on ice instead of gravel. 2) trees can be crossed by the car without causing damage. 3) can't hear the rocks noise on the bottom of the car
Is it really an app doing this?! Man... amazing! Congratulations!! WOW!!! ;)
Excellent track. Feels natural
A machine that does our job better than us ...
Amazing work.
Donation made, if I can help something...
I join the rally!
Awesome dude, haven't seen the fruit of your labor just yet (since the generator isn't available). But if you pull it off, it's gonna be huge. Can't wait to see your progress!! Even though for now it's just two tracks, they're still awesome tracks and I love driving them. Don't listen to the "too many trees, low fps" crap, that's just some low-end gpu user blaming someone else for their own shortcomings. Keep pushing!!
Unbelievable, it's hard to imagine these are procedural! If this is a very early developmental version, I can't even begin to imagine what this will be capable of in the future. This is very exciting, good luck!
Amazing job!! , the stages look impressive and its only 0.2, wow, the only thing is that i feel the road is very smooth, being a rally stage i expect more irregularities. thank you very much for sharing!
very awesome
I never expected to see this for AC ! Very impressive !! Love the fact you decided to create this after being disappointed by the Dirt 4 stage generation :) I tried both and they feel very good already. Forest was a bit dark for me in VR with clear weather around 12 pm. I might drop some remarks in the discussion thread later. Very promising !!
Impressive, very nice! Many of the trees are mirrored, I look forward to further improvements. What a great drive in the 911s !!
this is promising BUT. frame rate is low. (I'm a 3dvision player). I think oculus guys also will have problems running these tracks
Wow amazing Tracks, absolutely beautyful...You're looking very good right now and it's just version 0.2 ... I'm looking forward to more... thanks for this work !
5 star alone for the ambition and daring plan
Even in 0.2 very nice Stages in terms of graphics and tack layout. The Dirt 4 i wanted but never got. Looking forward to updates.
Absolutely beautiful. Tarmac version needs some optimization though, having fps drops as well even with effects off, i'll try turning shadows and detail down a little see what it does. Otherwise, this should be a must. Cheers
A few weeks ago when I discovered the Procedural Rally League I downloaded the stages to try them, and continued doing so during the season. I was impressed, and I knew what to expect in the demo stages. And I was not disappointed.

There was a lot of improvement during the first season, for example from Monte Carlo week 1 to Monte Carlo week 4. There must have been a lot of further improvements since that, because the demo stages felt even better than I remember. As someone mentioned, the Monte stage reminds of Joux Plane. It felt really great. I also made it through that one without crashing thanks to the codriver app.

Luckily my display has Freesync down to 35Hz but on occasions my fps drops below that, so I'm hoping for performance improvements in the future. I'm also looking forward to the stage generator including feautures like crossroads, buildings, spectators, parked cars etc.

Fantastic job so far. This really adds a whole new dimension to Assetto Corsa. Looking forward to see more!
Just hit the download button, but the idea and the effort alone warants 7 stars...
i use Assetto Corsa primarily for Rallying, so if this procedural generator is downloadable anytime in the future, it would be incredible :-)
now this > Dirt Rally O_O holy $h#%&!!! it really runs smooth and the map.. is something new and difetent from any other mod. you should contact kunos so they can test this! :D thank you! and keep the hard work.