Fixes pitboard not displaying in quali and displaying during replays
Small release to fix a bug introduced in 0.3, the app should now work correctly during races. Sorry for the inconvenience!
- Add support for timed raced (Thanks to Ch4rL1E on AC forums for the patch!)
- Add option to only display surnames (e.g. Prost instead of Alain Prost, also works when combined with short names: PRO instead of ALA)
- Hide pitboard in replay mode
- Fix rounding "display error" in some corner cases
- Fix potential problems with ctypes permissions
- Title, settings icon and background auto-hide after 10 seconds
- Title, settings icon and background appear when the app is moved or activated
- Added setting to change the board scale in game (both full and small scale)
- Added setting to change the opacity of the board in game
- Added setting to change the orientation of the board, this changes the direction in which the board scales down so it looks good regardless of where it is on screen
- Fixed 32 bit (the wrong DLL was provided with 0.1)
- Added option to create custom board: simply create a PNG file in the imgs folder with name: board_<username>.png similar to the logo_<username>.png
- Cleaned up board inner borders and opacity
- Fixed missing letter with long names