Phillip Island

Phillip Island v1.2

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Very bad Ai
Also looks like a historic version, it has almost no markers before corners
Nice work with the AI and cams!
Still no phisical mesh on the road. Poor asphalt feel.
May be next time? )
without bumps the track feels dead. even with my motion rig i cant feel anything except the car itself
Right circuit without more.
Definitely the right PI atmosphere, if a little clinical but I'm happy.
Be great with some finessing, I've driven my GT40 'Replica', my 40 year old 911RS and ridden several hairy bikes (Ducati 916 and Kawasaki Ninja plus others) around PI and this is looking good.
Thx for the HD mesh, much much beter now ;)
Big improvement thank you. Any chance of doing the same for Sandown?
Nice one fixing the mesh, makes it worth downloading unlike the vast majority of conversions out there :)
thanks, did not know what of the mesh in HR, from now on I will do all my tracks.
Great track and great job , thanks mate ! :)
  • Deleted member
  • 3.00 star(s)
  • Version: v1.0
Well, first thanks for the work, Phillip island is a really great track and it's good to see it on AC....
...But.... honestly I don't like it, don't get me wrong, the realisation is very clean, so it's a good work, but the track is far from accurate :(
It's too wide, turns are not "perfect" (we lost all the difficulty this way) and elevations are clearly not accurate (worst is "Luckey Heights" : turn 9, this is the "signature" of this track and we totally don't have it...)
So I enjoyed the proper and clean work, but not the accuracy, at the end, this is not Phillip Island, just an "inspired version" of it.
Looks and feel like the alpha version of the first map of the first rFactor, if you see what I mean...
Imprecionante ;)
gracias pixita
Great track, but the diffence between tarmac and grass is not good to see in the cockpit of the car, thanks