Pacific Coast

Pacific Coast 1.0

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Really nice to see it improved through the months, great work!
Thanks Gabriel, glad you're liking, and have been following the progress, Drive safely :)
Love it, dangerous.....
Thanks mate... Yeah it's really dangerous... But then real road is.
Have fun :)
I haven't really tried this in a while but wow, it's come a long way! It really feels like driving down the Pacific Coast Highway. (My 8 year old daughter even said, "Is that where we went camping?!" because it looked so much like the Oregon coast.)

Great work!
Thanks that's really cool to know Robert...
The Oregon coast has beautiful scenery.
Have some good trips along here in whatever cars you're using :)
I was waiting for this track to be a little more updated.
So you also added the Californian earthquakes in the map.
First Release:Sep 24, 2016
First drive, less than a year later XD
My loss really, the road is awesome! Reminds me of nice coastal roads in Spain and south of France, thanks for the experience! I really look forward to the finished version. But already this is such a pleasure to drive
At least you've driven the old road now, so you can see the difference with the new road ;)
It's cool that it reminds you of some nice coastal roads.
Your Caterhams love it along the new road...
It's a very slightly bumpy ride... but that adds to the sense of speed (even though it tops out at around 120mph)
Thanks a lot for your review mate (and... within a year) :)
Great track, combines well with the TNFS mod. It reminds a lot of Coastal stage 2/3 in that game, which was probably inspired by big sur. Everything comes around it seems.

As the modder wrote, it still needs more trackside objects, so the corners get more visual personality and can be easier identfied. When that's done, it's probably in the top 10 or ever top 5 mod tracks for Assetto and a must have for everyone.
Thanks mate :)

Yeah it has been said that it feels like a Need For Speed track... Which is cool. I was holding back on trackside objects as I learn how to keep things running well (this is my 1st track after all) but yeah... fair point it does need more recognisable corners, even though the real road is quite "samey" along quite alot of this stretch of coastline.

Since 0.824 I've been overhauling the entire track, lining the road up to a 1 billion pixel satellite image for increased accuracy.
adding track edge border transitions... optimised the terrain so it uses 1/4 the polys. Which means I won't be holding back when the trees, telegraph poles etc go in :)

Thanks for the concise review, much appreciated :)
Hey guys, it's a lovely morning today in Tujunga canyon, wait this isn't Matt Farah One Takes...
Cheers for the rating mate... It's better than a Matt Farah One Take, as you can cross the double yellows :)
Had to download again...because I couldn't rate it as i downloaded it before the new site requirements...and this needs 5 stars for your passion plus great times here thanks!
Thanks Jez for downloading again just to rate... I'm glad you felt so strongly that you needed to rate this track, that's cool :)
Really glad that you're having some great times here... That's what this road is all about.
Gets better and more lively from version to version. Real nice work :)
Thanks Jens... Great that you're liking the improvements.. There are Plenty more improvements to come... Thanks for taking the time to comment mate :)
I've been cruising around here with the cars from the GT Legends modpack... god I love it :D Great work man, I love your continued enthusiasm to keep on working on it as well your active interaction with the community - I'm a huge fan! <3
Excellent mate, glad you got it working :) The GT Legends pack... Nice choice :) Got to love the RaceDepartment website for the help the community gives... Which you're now a part of... Nice one. Cheers for the review and happy cruising! :)
This is my favorite thing to thrash road cars. Especially the Porsches! Amazing isn't enough to describe your job.
Thanks a lot :) That's great to know Carlitox... Yeah the Porsches love it along here... It's nice to cruise along here... But I think it's even better to do a 9 minute run in a GT3 RS.

Cheers for commenting :)
What`s the difference between the standard and cruise versions?
Thanks for the stars Gustavo :)
The differences with the Cruise layouts are..
1) The AI stays in the right hand lane... and they overtake on the left
2) The AI is "Cruising" at 80% of their top speed...
(Independent of the AI slider)
Let some AI Supercars loose, give them a minute or two headstart and chase them down. It will take them a Kilometre or two for them to get filtered into single file anyway :)
Probably not a good thing to admit too, but I didnt like the look this track at first. I recently looked at LA Canyon and saw a lot of potential. Coming back, the the latest version (of this) has vastly improved. I have been converted (for all that anyone really cares). Goes to show how much I know. Well done, its a great track.
That's totally fair enough mate, it would be a boring world if everyone liked the same things :) I'm currently "tweaking" the flow of Pacific to increase the experience, as I've learnt a few things with L.A. Canyons...
Add to this better terrain shaders/textures... and some serious optimising... and this version is half the version v1.0 will be ;)

Glad you're enjoying it mate, and glad you've been converted :D
Keep an eye on this one... There's plenty more to come.

Thanks for the cool review :)
Very nice work! Look forward to whenever you have updates. Donated a pint for your efforts. Keep up the good work and hope to see another track from you.
Really glad you like it, and cheers for the pint mate :)
I've been looking into how a few things work... and there will be a fairly large update coming in the hopefully near future.
I hope you have plenty of fun driving in California :)
Thanks again!
Amazing work man ! The guardrails are awesome. the bushs increase the feel of speed and much increased detail with textures. I cant stop playing this track has a real cali vibe to it without the traffic. Thanks dude
Cheers mate. Really glad you're liking the added items... There will be continuous improvements as and when I learn more, mainly texture work... There is a location or two to go in yet.
Although I can't do that until some optimisation work happens first. Thanks for your continued reviews mate, Much appreciated :)
Awesome stuff, AC needed something like this
Thanks a lot Chris, thanks for testing it out... And thanks for the rating mate :)
Fantastic job! This is one of my favorite tracks to just relax and test out cars in the rift. I had some friends try the rift for the first time recently too and they all kept wanting to go back to play this track specifically. I appreciate the hard work! Keep it up!
Thanks mate. Sounds like you and your friends are having fun down here... That's really great to hear... It's a good track to relax on... Maybe have a competition with your friends to see who can make it in the fastest time, as it's also fun when you're on the limit ;) and pretty challenging. Thanks for the review mate :)
Looks wonderful but unfortunately is unplayable with my Rift CV1. Seems it's too demanding. Whereas I can play all tracks with Rift CV1 on this track the screen is shaking and the framerate is under 45 FPS with only 1 car practicing. On all other tracks I achieve 90 FPS even when racing against AI-opponents... Don't know what's the problem (maybe not enough optimized yet). I still gave you 4 stars (although unplayable for me) because of wonderful optics... I hope one day I can drive this gem too...
Sorry you're having trouble playing this on your rift Mike :(

Thanks, Firstly for the review... Secondly for being generous with the stars even though it's unplayable for you... and thirdly for the performance figures. I'm guessing if you're using the Rift, you already have more than enough performance to drive this track.... When it's optimised properly.

I think I already know a few of the issues why this track is much heavier on performance than it should be.
1) I need to name my objects respecting the KSTREE_GROUP naming convention.
2) When my UV mapping skills increase I need to combine textures into larger, texture "libraries".

Both of these things will massively reduce the DIP's/drawcalls which are causing the un-optimised performance issue.

No.1 will be easier to fix as I have to rename the trees/bushes into different KSTREE groups.
My UV mapping skills will take a bit longer to learn as I'm a 3DS Max newb and this is my 1st track.

I will run some tests with KSTREE_GROUP'ing and if it lowers the drawcalls noticeably I will upload another update soon.

You will one day (hopefully soon) be driving down here! ;)
Thank you for this fantastic road, very good job :)
No worries mate, and thank you for taking the time to review/rate. Have fun :)
Nice improvements to the environment, great road.
Thanks mate, really glad you're enjoying it. Hope the barriers help when you decide to have a fast run :) and thanks for the rating!

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