Pacific Coast

Pacific Coast 1.0

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Looks wonderful but unfortunately is unplayable with my Rift CV1. Seems it's too demanding. Whereas I can play all tracks with Rift CV1 on this track the screen is shaking and the framerate is under 45 FPS with only 1 car practicing. On all other tracks I achieve 90 FPS even when racing against AI-opponents... Don't know what's the problem (maybe not enough optimized yet). I still gave you 4 stars (although unplayable for me) because of wonderful optics... I hope one day I can drive this gem too...
Sorry you're having trouble playing this on your rift Mike :(

Thanks, Firstly for the review... Secondly for being generous with the stars even though it's unplayable for you... and thirdly for the performance figures. I'm guessing if you're using the Rift, you already have more than enough performance to drive this track.... When it's optimised properly.

I think I already know a few of the issues why this track is much heavier on performance than it should be.
1) I need to name my objects respecting the KSTREE_GROUP naming convention.
2) When my UV mapping skills increase I need to combine textures into larger, texture "libraries".

Both of these things will massively reduce the DIP's/drawcalls which are causing the un-optimised performance issue.

No.1 will be easier to fix as I have to rename the trees/bushes into different KSTREE groups.
My UV mapping skills will take a bit longer to learn as I'm a 3DS Max newb and this is my 1st track.

I will run some tests with KSTREE_GROUP'ing and if it lowers the drawcalls noticeably I will upload another update soon.

You will one day (hopefully soon) be driving down here! ;)
Thank you for this fantastic road, very good job :)
No worries mate, and thank you for taking the time to review/rate. Have fun :)
Nice improvements to the environment, great road.
Thanks mate, really glad you're enjoying it. Hope the barriers help when you decide to have a fast run :) and thanks for the rating!
Track is getting better and better...thx for all the updates...
Thanks mate, you're more than welcome... Thanks for the stars :)
Thanks for the huge update ! great feeling, big texture improvement, signs are sharper n love the cruises. keep doing what your doing man this rocks
Thanks mate... and thanks for the feedback... Glad to hear the feeling is good and the roadsigns are easier to read :)
This is just great, man. Tons of fun to drive. Well done!
Thanks a lot mate :)
This is the layer 2 base of the track... I still need to put another 3 layers in... that's why it's only 0.699. So I hope you enjoy where it goes to even more :)
I think the fundamentals are working pretty nicely now :)
Fantastic track for relax and enjoy the AC physics

Sadly there is no server online with this awesome track when it should be

Keep the good work man

Thanks Emmanuel... That's great to know you're enjoying it :)
Hope you're having fun chasing down some supercars.

Hopefully there will be servers one day soon...
If the word gets around, then maybe there will be...
When there are servers online I plan to make 3 or 4 Pusuit layouts, with pit boxes all over the map...

Check this post for more info...
Very very nice! it's a beautiful piece of road and it's getting better with every update. Your brother would be proud :)
Thanks a lot!
Thank you very much mate :)
That's extremely nice to hear... and makes all the hard work worthwhile :) Have some fun runs pal.

Please download the micro update (0.699a) to put roadsigns in Southbound.. which I accidentally missed in the models.ini
My apologies!
Thanks for your supreme effort man, this is excellent, of course is not perfect but you are working your butt off to improve this and it will only get better .... totally appreciate your heart & soul is in this ... cheers :-D ps. Looking forward to fences to stop me meeting the grim reaper often !!!!
You are more than welcome mate :)
You're exactly right... This isn't perfect yet... But then it is only a 0.699 When it is a 1.0 then all the elements will be in place..
Including rockfaces, which is why I've gone easy
on the trees, bushes, 3D grass, 3D twigs... No point me putting 3D grass where rock is going to be ;) lol
The barriers will be going in after I make the polygons (tri's) along the track edge, different objects with dirt to tarmac transition..

Please download the micro update (0.699a) to put roadsigns in Southbound.. which I accidentally missed in the models.ini
My bad.

Maybe that was why you were going off... You weren't seeing the speed limit signs ;) lol
Thanks! I like where this is going...Sometimes you just want to go for a cruise.
You're welcome Ronnie :) I'm glad that there are plenty of people that sometimes want to go for a cruise. Have some fun runs mate :)
Nice project and thanks again for the work. Still it don't looks like a real life environment. Trees are much too dark, so can't see the details of it. (they are looking nearly black) Road texture could be in higher resolution. Please add 3d grass / little bushes beside the road so the track becomes more real
all can say is wow! what an update man. speechless
Thanks mate :) Thanks for the review
Nice work, fun to cruise on.
Thanks Brandon :)
Fun's what it's all about mate... Looking forward to getting the updated version finished and on here. It's a massive improvement
this is going to be a nice cruise!
Thanks mate, It is a very nice cruise...
v0.699 will be a much nicer cruise...
Have a look in the support thread for some screenshots ;)
Thanks for the rating, have fun :)
Brilliant track and idea! v well done and looking forward to seeing it develop. :)
Thanks a lot Paul, Hopefully I'll have another update before the jolly fat guy in the coca cola lorry rolls by lol
Hope you're enjoying your Cobra down here mate.
Thanks for the rating :)
Superb work , thank you :)
Thanks a lot mate, glad you're enjoying my work :)
You're more than welcome :)
Great work, thank you for your efforts! This is an excellent 'cruiser', too; It's nice to finally be able to drive north in California without traffic =)
Thanks mate, Cruising down here has to be done... And I noticed the traffic while looking on google maps... I may be adding some mystery random hazards so you might have to beware ;)
I know that you have put your life and soul into creating this track. Your passion really shines through, excellent work :) Needs some fish for when I go swimming xD
Thanks mate :) That means a lot... knowing my passion for making this as good as it can be comes across...
As I will be dedicating it to my Brother who died earlier this year.
Once the tracks worthy enough for him!

I reckon you're playing music that makes you want to drive too fast ;) Hope the invisble walls help you make it all 23km's just don't rely on them as they're mostly on the trickiest corners.

Get some practice in and I'll set up a server sometime...
I'll be the getaway driver in a Carrera S... with you in a police lambo mate ;)

If none of that works... I'll model some fish lol
Lovely project. The trees are to dark. Please also add a good physic road mesh. Track needs more FFB and more little bumbs. It is too flat, too smooth. Keep on working on this nice track!
Thanks, the trees were almost glowing before... So I turned the shader down a bit too much.

HR FFB mesh is in my to do list... But I won't be subdividing and adding noise until later... until I'm 100% happy with the track position... I'm about 90 - 95% happy with it at the moment... I'm guessing you have your road effect up in your feedback? As I don't really find the FFB that much of a problem at the moment TBH. But it will be addressed later mate.

With 100+ hours gone into this so far... Don't worry I won't stop working on this... And it's only halfway to where it will be ;) it's a 0.512 remember. There's another important location to go in yet...

Then all will become clear

Thanks for the feedback ;)
Wow amazing update! This is really becoming epic. Thanks for your work
Thanks mate :) Really glad you're having fun with it... Hope you set some fast times or just enjoy cruising :)
Epic's a great compliment... I hope it makes it there :)

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