Nurburgring 1967

Nurburgring 1967 1.1

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Very good work. The feeling on the track is great. Only Nordschleife don´t work. Gesamtstrecke is working. It´s very interesting where the new track was made better and where the old track was better to drive. Amazing experience. Thank you very much for uploading.
no water splashes when it rains
Read Discussion thread, there's a fix for water trail if that's what you mean.
Excelente trabajo, muchas gracias por el esfuerzo.
Simply superb job,congratulation unfortunately I can only give you 5 stars but you deserve more.....cheers and thanks for sharing !
One of my favs great conversion of the rFactor gesamtstrecke i waiting for this for years thank's alot.
This track it's perfect for almost classic cars but it's a real challenge when you want a race whit cars of 30's

My dream is this track but in 30's vamp and rain :D
Love it! I cant wait to see what you do to this track/tracks. I love the classic layouts like this, Thanks!
Nice, but how can I get this snow away?
Is it because its winter right now or so?
Yes, did you try changing date in CM? if that doesn't work there's a CSP config file in discussion thread that i shared and should work
Really nice! Keep it up!
I really love the old layout now and I found just some weird error with replay camera for Nürburgring Südschleife version. when you come to the back straight, there seems to be graphical glitch (i not sure if it was caused by my pc or something else).

but fact we can drive Südschleife is amazing because for sure it was harder to rebuild because only parts of it are left today (Circuits of the Past showed it on video). I recorded lap with replay here:

I rate this 4/5 because the weird glitch with replay and feel there still is maybe need for polishing but with even more work, this will be probably best version along side official available out there :)
what glitch? please describe your problem in discussion thread.
Its not working for me, in CM i cannot start track, practice or race with any car... i have win7, Cm latest version...
Read discussion thread, maybe that helps
I join. 0.9 does not work for me. Std game (sin custom shaders)
Hi! describe the problem in discussion thread please
great work!
Brilliant job. Very nice atmosphere and a very light FPS track. Complete, with lights and day and night transition. A must to have.
Amazing!! Thanks a lot!!!
The track wont start can someone please give me an advise for fixing it
Hi, can you describe the problem in the discussion thread please?
Thats great. I love this tracks. Thank you for your hard work. But, i have one problem, the Touristenfahrt have no AI line says Content Manager and the track crashes. i have delete the old version with the CC and Installed the new update with the CC.
The changelog states the reason for the lacking of AI line. You shouldn't have problems in practice mode...
0.9 does not load for me, immediately returns. 0.8.1 works great and is amazing.
Read discussion thread, there's a solution for crash.