Hi Guys
I have made some adjustments to all files and chassis.
Update details 2016-08-02:
- Replaced all Info Pod's with new design
- Added Hd Led Lights to all designs
- New Interior files for better race view and T-Cam
P.S. These updates apply to all steering wheels on all chassis
Hi Guys
Here's my latest designs for everyone to have fun with.
This download includes all three designs on Ferrari, Mercedes and Redbull Chassis.
Simply pick the one you like, install and happy racing.
Design deails:
- Completely new design
- 100% Full HD (4096/4096)
- New Design for Info Pod Display with real metal/alluminium textures
- New font style for Display
- HD Led Lights added to all chassis
- some design alterations
- color metalic dial wheels added
- new carbon fibre texture added for steering & Info Pod
- suede leather texture added to handle grips
- New textures and colors for info Pod
- Real screws added to info Pod
- Real on/off switches added
- changed all buttons
- Added new controls knobs with better colors and textures
- Ferrari logos added
- ENTRY & Exit Logos added
Hi Guys
Here's my latest design. A perfect match with the car. Have fun with this one.
I have included all chassis & all mods for this steering wheel
Simply pick and install
Update details:
- Completely new design for HD Led Lights
- Full HD (4096/4096)
- New textures and colors for HD Led Lights
Hi Guys
Here's my latest design. A perfect match with the car. Have fun with this one.
I have included all chassis & all mods for this steering wheel
Simply pick and install
I have made some small alterations to the steering wheel. Have fun.
Update details 2016-07-02:
- Real HD Led lights for that real feal
- New Design for Info Pod Display with real metal textures
- some minor color corrections
- New font style for Display
Hi Guys
I have made some small alterations to the steering wheel. Have fun.
Update details:
- corrected to top right K2 button to K1
- added better looking Ferrari Logo (high res.)
- changed big center dial knob to one with textures
- minor color alteration