Hi, this is the Spa update 1.2 with a lot of changes in sponsoring. I can´t change all the sponsores like on the original tracks, but it looks a lot more now like 2016 sponsoring. Look at the screenshots for the changes.
I can´t put the fly emirates logo on the wall on the right side. When I change this it is working on this wall, but the same texture is on the pitlane in strange positions mirrored and tiled.
What is new:
- new very smooth and darker tarmac
- new grass colours
- new sponsoring
- darker trees and more colourful
For Install Instructions look in the Overview
Have fun with the sponsoring update of Spa.
Some Screenshots with Manor Racing Team
this is the new version of Spa Francorchamps Belgium.
This is one of my perfectest tracks. I think this Version of Spa looks better as the Spa in F1 2016, because of my high detailed trees and textures. I have combined F1 2013 spa version with the 2014 spa version. The Version of F1 2013 was more detailed in vegetation. All vegetation is back now.
What is new:
- Improverd Rev 4 lighting sunny, overcast and rain
- Improved tree level of detail
- foglight diffuse light
- tarmac reflections
- more vegetation with grass on the hills
Have fun with this update. For install instructions look in the overview.
Screenshots Spa in heavy rain and overcast weather