this update is a tracksplit update and lighting update
With this update we have more sun reflections on track and nice lens flares. You can see that in the screenshots. All normalmaps of tarmac and curbs are updated and the macro textures for crisper smoother image with better reflections. Grass is more defined and the colour looks more like the real colour on sunny weather and on overcast. Overcast colour was to dark before.
The buildings become better Normalmaps for more plasticism.
The level of detail as in the last update. Look at the trees.
What is changed:
- reworked tracksplit with new normalmaps
- grasscolour and plasticism
- tarmac normalmaps
- macro textures reworked
- buildings with new normalmaps
- lighting update and detail update
- curbs reworked and have new normalmaps
For install instructions look at the overview:
Have fun with the update. Light looks amazing.
Some screenshots:
Please use 7Zip for unpacking my modfiles. WinRar and Winzip have a different compression format and the files can be destroyed.
this update fixes the bugs from my last Rev 4 Update.
The bugs coming from the 3 d grass and wrong adressed objects.
Now all is working. Because of the lost from 3d grass i gave the track more details for trees, cars at the sides of the track, surroundings and bigger buildiings. Framerate is higher as with the 3d grass version.
What is new:
- no 3d grass because of glitches
- fixed billboard on bridge now rolex again
- fixed overlapping fly emirates billboard
- more details for trees and surroundings
- more details for cars on side of the track and carpark
- more details for bigger buildings
no changes in basetextures and lighting
Enjoy the update.
For Install Instructions look in the Overview.
Some Screenshots light cloudy and clear weather:
this textures are not in the releaseversion this is a small fix for the barriers and armco. Looks amazing
Thanx to climax F1 for the real barrier colours and the textures that I had modified a little.
Changes with the update:
- new barriers with realistic colours for blue green barrier and orange barrier
- changing grass colour more to original grass colour
- changing grass on hills
- fixed a tree (to bright pixels
- original curbs colour
- light looks more like on TV
installation: Look at the overview.
Original video: