Hi, this is update 1.25. I think the sky was a litttle bit to colourful in my last update and I have looked a few videos of 2015 GP. Now I can give to you three light versions and two versions of trees.
- lightversion 1.0
- lightversion 2015 lighting
- lightversion 1.25 with darker trees and better grass shadowing
Changes with the update:
- lightversion 1.0
- lightversion 2015 lighting
- lightversion 1.25 with darker trees and better grass shadowing
- darker trees and 1.0 version trees
better surfacelod texture for realistic austrian colours
- darker background tree wallpaper
- better blend textures
Ok the biggest change is the light. No changes on other textures only tree- and surfacelod textures.
Install Instructions:
I had put the optional files in the circuits folder. Copy this files if you like it in the austria folder and you have different looking light or the older 1.0 light.
You find the circuits folder in this direction:
F1 2014\tracks\circuits
Enjoy the update.
Big thanxs to all the modders that makes a new game of F1 2014. All this is pushing me to highest level and I do my best.
New pics with lighting 1.25. Screenshots of 2015 light are in the support area