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MMShufflerDB 1.6

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Version 1.6 Released! Add your own Driver!

The mod give you the originals Drivers, Engineers and Mechanics DB that can be shuffled with an external program (you can find it in the MOD installation folder like a .zip in which you find how to use the program, typically the folder is C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\415200\1347567971\Databases ) to start every time a different game with different Drivers, Engineers and Mechanics to scout.
The Shuffle Program had, also, an internal DB with new names (Real Names 2017, Real Names 1989 and Fantasy Names) that could appear in the game.
N.B. For best results I recommend you to start EVERY TIME from an original DB to avoid duplicates or strange results. The shuffler backup the DB’s original version you are shuffling. You can also shuffle other DBs from other MODS or shuffle the same DB more then one time, but pay attention to setup the shuffler rightly.
Consider that when you choose to shuffle another DB that have real names, or you can have duplicates.

Now you can :

- Shuffle drivers/engineers/mechanics DB with a better algorithm
- Choose the % of female drivers/engineers/mechanics
- Choose to shuffle portraits appaerence
- Choose from which database pick new names
- Choose the chance's percentage a new Wonderkid appear in the Drivers DB. (New in 1.5)
- Add a NEW Driver (NEW STATS and NEW TRAITS!) wih your name or a name you prefer (new in 1.6)

For wonderkid feature, the driver will have a new combination of traits to differentiate each other.



A special thanks to IL PALLINO, that help me to test the Shuffler
A thanks also to Chris, Falko, Diesel98, the_kryst, MrRandom287 and their DB from which I extract the names in the internal DBs.