Version 1.5
Now avilable Non-Togglable version for those who have problems with FPS. You can download it here: https://www.*********.com/mysummercar/mods/36?tab=files
- Changed Van body textures
- Added new Dark Interior textures
its placed under "Optional Files"
Version 1.3 changelog:
- Fixed Fuel hatch issue - Now fuel hatch always opens
- Added new switchbox texture
Version 1.2 changelog:
- Code optimization
- Fixed errors that causing the Mod Loader to disable the mod
- Fixed flickering lights
- Fixed lights model texture
- Lights range increased
- Lights intensity reduced
- Added sound to light switch
- Added ladders
- Added new additional off-road tires
- Added option to toggle individual parts
- Added option to change switch box position
- Not fully compatible with Vehicle Texture Swap Mod
- Fuel hatch sometimes does not open
Now you can enable/disable every additional part on the van through mod UI (numpad3 default key). Some parts require other parts to be enabled in order to enable that individual part. For example, you can't paint the van or wheels if "Paint" part is disabled. Also you can't put additional off-road tires if "Wheels" part is disabled. That also apply to a switch box, if "SwitchBox" part is disabled, you can't change position of the switch box.
In case of unknown bugs, be sure to post them in the "Support" section of this mod.