GT7 HUD 1.1.2

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Loving this hud as I used to play GT a lot, until Assetto...
Is it possible to remove the digital speedo when the analog one is enabled, like in gran turismo?
Inori GC
Inori GC
The digital speedo is present even when the analog one is there though?
Might add an option in the future, but I feel like it wouldn't make much sense, since you'd lose your gears and proximity indicators. Thanks for the suggestion though :)
Such an amazing mod. AC's stock UI is fugly, and this mod has enhanced my experience so much. Not only that, it's extremely well-made and the attention to detail is exquisite. Everything from the moving red dot showing the steering input and the sector beep.
Wow you did it, the analog tachometer is amazing... I only have one problem, which apparently is just me, since I checked the discussion thread and I haven't found anything related to my problem...
The problem is that the tachometer at the bottom looks black, it doesn't look semi-transparent like the published photos... can it be solved? I would appreciate it very much... and in fact I thank you very much, the mod is really incredible congratulations!!!
Inori GC
Inori GC
That issue has actually been mentioned a few times in the discussion thread. It has to do with a mismatch between your game resolution and the resolution on "Photo mode".
For more details I recommend you go through the discussion thread , should be mentioned in there somewhere. Should be an easy fix.
thank you so much for your continuous hard work!
No idea how else to say this, but you are god. AC really needed a strong UI and this solves literally everything and enhances the gameplay so much.
You are the absolute goat.
Beautiful! 10/10
Excellent work and nice update. One of the best hud at this time
Awesome update! thanks ;)
This mod is excellent! at least on the way to becoming one, because I have found two slightly shady errors, the leaderboard in online sessions blocks my fps at 50 for no reason, since the cpu and gpu work the same, as soon as I deactivate it it goes perfect again and the Second error, I'm not sure if it's because of this mod, but everything looks like if, when the option of the animation to start the race was added, I have it activated or deactivated, the classic starting lights of assetto don't appear, maybe I have touched something in the content manager, but I think it is because of the mod. Greetings and thanks for the work, I will continue testing each update because this mod is for my collection yes or yes.

Este mod es excelente! al menos en camino de llegar a serlo, pues he encontrado dos errores un poco turbios, el leaderboard en sesiones online me bloquea los fps a 50 sin razón, pues la cpu y gpu trabajan igual, en cuanto lo desactivo vuelve a ir perfecto y el segundo error no estoy seguro de que sea por este mod pero todo pinta a que si, cuando se le añadió la opción de la animación de salida en carrera, la tenga activada o desactivada no me aparecen las luces de salida clásicas de assetto, puede que haya tocado yo algo en el content manager, pero creo que es por el mod. Un saludo y gracias por el trabajo, seguiré testeando cada update porque este mod va para mi colección si o si.
Inori GC
Inori GC
The first issue will be resolved in the next update this weekend :)

As for the second issue, might be permission related or something. I recommend you go to assettocorsa/content/texture and see if you can find off.png and off_og.png, one of them should be the original file, just rename the one you want back to off.png.
The HUD should do this automatically, so not sure what went wrong on your end.

If you have further issues, don't hesitate to post in the discussion thread.
Very nice
The HUD is amazing you deserve a million thanks, maybe you will update the analog version with tachometer and speedometer pens?
Seriously thanks!
I am using a GT7/GT Sport HUD from Reddit before but after I found this mod I want to say that this one has more effort put into it, and was better than what I was using before.

It has sector beep and countdown animation which was awesome. The only thing that annoys me is that the camera transition at the end of race countdown doesn't snap back to the car immediately, which was not the same as the original game.
Never got to play the GT games yet but love this hud when i'm doing races and using sidekick for drifting. Thank you.
By far the best HUD mod on AC yet. Thank you for this incredible work.
In love with this so much. Can't wait for the MFD. Only gripe though is that SRP Traffic kills the frame rate with this HUD apparently, but overall I love it~
Inori GC
Inori GC
I'm aware of the issue and will try to find a fix ASAP
Awesome, nice work!
Best HUD mod i've ever seen for an Assetto, this recreation is so goat
This is very very nice! Must have :D

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