Gran Turismo - Trial Mountain

Gran Turismo - Trial Mountain 0.3

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Great track this. Only thing I'm missing is the track mini map.
Still, so much fun to drive this one!
Great addition to AC :)
It takes me back to 199x
Thanks you so much.
Thanks so much for bringing back the memories :) I remember driving this track in GT3 time trial mode vs. a friend (passing the controller back and forth) for hours on a daily basis. I haven't played a GT game in years, but this version of Trial Mountain already feels just right. Driving in VR, I love the elevation changes and banked corners. I also really like that you can't just go flat out on the ideal racing line (e.g. in the last corner) and in the "esses" in the first part of the track, this adds a great risk/reward dynamic to the track. Keep up the great work, I very much look forward to your future updates :-)
well thought, well done
This track is already fantastic to race on, even in it's incomplete state. Excellent progress has been made, and I'm looking forward to the final version. Keep it going!
I think you are underestimating yourself: I have had the opportunity to do a few laps of the track and I must admit that perhaps something like "external contour / finishes" is missing but surely the track is really good especially when compared with the original GT4 and some horrible tracks that are often published even if they shouldn't. I look forward to seeing future developments. GOOD BOY !!!!!
very close to, gran turismo.
Looks promising
hope you will finish this someday
You did a great job. I'm looking forward to further updates. :)
The current 0.3 version is more than enough to be considered done! Amazing work!
Great job!!!
This track is coming a long way and your continued support of the track is incredible. Keep up the good work!
Its definitely a remastered version of the classic Trial Mountain, way more classic than the Gran Turismo 3 variant and this is really great! Very VERY PROMISING already with the current progress!

Looking forward to see its final glory soon!
Yes Fanapryde :) this is definetly the right direction!
More variation in trees after the tunnel would look better in your future updates!
Thx! I will try that, but sometimes "sounds good, doesnt work" in these things hehehe
This is certainly going in the right direction, thanks for your work... ;-)
thx all for your reviews!!
Excellent work!
Thank you!

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