Wow, you are the first guy here who improves the skin directly after receiving feedback! Your skin got so much better in the last couple of hours, great work and thank you!
By looking at your new previews I've noticed a little bug that I didn't notice before. :D Take a look:
Some of the logos on the nose are not centered/are not in the middle. Mapfre logo is fine, the Microsoft logo should be moved a little bit to the right. Pirelli logo seems fine, maybe it could be moved a tiny bit to the right. The Castrol logo should be moved to the right. The big Renault logo is also too much on the left side and should be moved to the right and the "R.S.17" is also not in the middle and can be moved to the right a bit. The FIA Action for Road Safety logo is a bit too much on the right and should be moved to the left a bit.
I think then all the logos should be placed in the middle.
That's the only thing I've noticed, the rest of the skin is perfect now!