Fierce Spirit 2021

Fierce Spirit 2021 Beta v0.2

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Thank you for this fun Gran Turismo track with numerous tight turns and chicanes mixed with some fast sections. Upper level track surface (long straight and the pit entrance) appears invisible from below, but is fine when you are driving on it. map working
Hey mate, love the layouts it's fast, it looks like it's all coming together for you
Obviously more detail is needed, including brake markers overhead bridges need completing, track advertising, also what needs to be corrected is the directional arrows just before the pit straight chicane are pointing in the wrong direction, I like this track and I'm sure the guys I race with will too, keep at It, will look forward to the completion of this track,
Yes, all that is still missing, next update I will focus on these details. thank you
Hellova start to far man! Of course because this just came out there's a few things that need to be fixed, but you got this man!
thanks man
Keep it up man, I like the layout!

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