this is the new suzuka update with better smooth and crispy tarmac, better trackreflections, grass and curbs rework.
The level of detail is from physics and effects update.
No other changes needed
For install instructions look at the overview.
Screenshots are made with my F1 2014 ReSHade HD TV stttings very natural colour setting.
have fun with this update.
THanxs to this nice community and his famous modders and artists.
this is update 1.1. I have changed a lot on lighting for better overcast lighting and clear weather light. The tarmac is now more defined and the gravelpit is showing better. I´m using now a similar skylight to silverstone trackupdate. This skylight fits the track well for me. The trees are now darker. The tree shadows are not so pixelized and more smooth. The grass is more shadowing
Changes with this update:
- overhauled lighting (sky and basic light)
- more defined tarmac
- smoother tree shadows
- darker tree colours
- better normalmap for lush grass
- optimized tree detail for a little bit more performance
- optimized grass shadowing
- fixed fly emirates billboard
- fixed tarmac specularmaps
- better overcast lighting
Have fun with this final update. No more to do
For install Instructions look in the overview menue.
Some new Screenshots: