Extension Track lighting - AC GPK Albert Park

Extension Track lighting - AC GPK Albert Park 1.3

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Track light style

Kart and F1 so you can choose the style you like and keep having fun on these great tracks.

Kart style
rmi_gpk_albertpark6 (6).jpg

F1 Style
rmi_gpk_albertpark6 (1).jpg

How to change the style
by default, the kart style is activated to reset it to the F1 style, you have to do the following operations

1) Open the ext_config_ZT.ini file.
2) go to the end of the file.
3) you will find the following text

DESCRIPTION = light track Kart

DESCRIPTION = light track F1

Just put active = 0 in the Kart part and put active = 1 in the F1 part if you want to have the F1 style lighting
Reverse change to return to Kart lighting
Update of the lights to have an atmosphere closer to night races on kart tracks
  • Updating lights
  • Increased FPS
  • VAO patch
  • Reduced reflections on streetlights
Gpk_AlbertPark (1).jpg


1 - Make a backup of the extension folder in the track directory
2 - Unzip my file in the ..\Assettocorsa\content\tracks
Update content
  • addition of seasonal management.
  • Fixed light that is closer to white track lights
  • Fixed lights in general in order to gain fps