Database Editor

Database Editor 2.0.8

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Previously there was a naming issue on the linux launch script. It's fixed now
Previously, on the performance tab, the floor changes wuold actually go to the sidepods and vice versa. Now it's fixed
Fixed a bug where some drivers could not appear in the editor in a specific case
Hey, maybe some of you who were having the "Could not connect with backend" error and it was your first time using the tool were not doing wrong, it may have been my fault. Try the latest version. Again, sorry for the inconvenience, the last few days have been a mess. I hope this fixes it for you :)
As a lot of people have found that their systems is flagging the tool as malware, I have decided to roll back and make Python mandatory again to use the tool. There is an updated guide on how to install here:‐up-guide

For the zip installation it's the same in Github and here, you have two options from where do you want to download the .zip - Github or RaceDepartment, but the procedure in both cases is EXACTLY THE SAME

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