[CUSTOM ADAPTATION] RSS GTM Akuro V6 Evo 2 - HP Williams

[CUSTOM ADAPTATION] RSS GTM Akuro V6 Evo 2 - HP Williams 1.1

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Something seems to have gone wrong with either the file preparation or the upload to racedepartment. File Explorer and WinRAR throw up errors when putting the files in the car's skin folder. WinRAR just says "archive is corrupt" without much more info than that, but File Explorer has trouble specifically with the .dds files "RSS_Badge", "RSS_Badge_MAP", "RSS_Badge_NM", "RSS_GT_Tire_Diffuse", "RSS_GT_Tire_Diffuse_Blur", "RSS_GT_Tire_Diffuse_NM", and "RSS_Helmet". The skin seems to be fine otherwise, but given the lack of preview images on this mod page, having errors with copy-pasting the skin as my first impression was a bit jarring.
Try opening the file using 7Zip. WinRAR often times would conflict with .zip files so I'd highly recommend that action
This a beautiful fantasy skin You brought to us, thank you so much ! ;-)
Eyy You're welcome m8!

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