Cremona Circuit "San Martino del Lago"

Cremona Circuit "San Martino del Lago" 0.6

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good job
Ottimo,, speravo in questa pista che ho scoperto solo ora grazie.
Thank you, It's people like you that keep us moving forward, Please do more Tracks I like this one a lot.
It's so easy to for some people to rip somebody's hard work apart. usually, people who have no idea what it takes to make a track and what it involves and how much time it involves. you know what, that was a low effort review low effort remarks.. Thanks for your efforts and your work. its getting there pal youve done alot of good work here.
Broken shadows, dark void grass, awful trees and landscapes. This look really a low effort mod
Thanks for the review, going to improve these things!
thank you :)
Per essere una beta è già ottimo!
E' solo molto spoglio nei dintorni per questo risulta poco "vivo"
Sono sicuro che diventerà perfetto nelle prossime rlease quindi vi do 5 stelle sulla fiducia :)
Grazie mille, l'ho voluta rilasciare prima di spegnere il pc per ferie! a settembre rilasceremo la prossima versione sicuramente migliorata!