Circuit 24H Lemans

Circuit 24H Lemans 3.0

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Great that this track has been given an update, Cheers to all involved... Long may you keep doing what you're doing :)

And nice to know my Heli Cams are still working :D
If anyone wants them check my downloads.
i think no need night version, only day version whith light on, we have night mod with content manager :)
wow , wow, wow :D
(Where is the "No-Chicane"-Version!?)
(The Night-Version (2.01) does´nt work on my PC like the Pictures. The Lights are on, but the lights (f.e. Commercialsigns) on Buildings are off. What can i do!?)
Sorry, for my f*$§&%#g English!!!
Tiago Lima
Tiago Lima
Not sure whats going on perhaps try this filer
and make sure you have the latest dynamic lighting mod installed
Thank you so much for this track. If only Tertre Rouge was flat... then you'd get 6 stars!
Awesome for you to be doing this even as the race runs IRL. And a very great job you have done! Many thanks!
WOW!!! the very best lemans track for assetto, thanks all for this job.
It's a really solid effort. Unfortunately the slight inaccuracy of the Porsche curves and lack of supports for the banners along the track (GANT, PORSCHE, etc) prohibit me from giving a full 5 star. There also seems to be some unoptimization in a few areas. I noticed a 3-4 frame rate drop when entering Tertre Rouge.
Awesome track!
Excellent track and outstanding work with replays.
Great update. It's almost like it was planned around the actual 24h race.. Such a great way to spend the weekend! Thank you.
Nice but could you add the No Chicane version again please?
Yess!! Thank you very much. I'd been waiting for this for a long time. Wonderfull Job!
Very good, just a few minor detail quibbles---i'm a picky old geezer ;)
Awesome job :)
Wonderful V2.0 but the night version doesn't work for me too, how do you go for night in AC? I have selected le mans night but it is like day...
Congratulations to all involved. Superb job. Thank you for sharing.
  • Deleted member
  • 5.00 star(s)
  • Version: Version 2.0
big, big improvement! Many thanks. As I paid for WEC livestream , I will pay a few bucks to you also ;-)
No night version
beautiful track, but there's some things a bit wrong: there's a line missing at the end of the pit merge lane which is perpendicular to the track(everyone uses that line as a hint to turn before the Dunlop chicane) also, that little part should be more straight and not slightly curved. next, Tertre rouge is impossible to take flat out in LMPs when IRL, you can. either there's not enough grip, or the curve is too sharp. and finally, the Porsche Curves, you should be able to take the right handers at 220km/h at low downforce with the 2014 LMP1. here, default setup, 215km/h. not enough grip. otherwise, the details are very close to the real life :)

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