Hi Guys
Whilst updating a track have been using this car, although I did update this car already, decided to step it up a bit as per my other interior update mods. This is a complete rework of the interior with new textures.
Update details v1.2:
- New alcnt_nm texture and upscaled
- New bmw_logo and upscaled
- New cabin_ao and upscaled
- Reworked cabin_map and upscaled
- New cockpit_belt texture and upscaled
- New cockpit_belt_door texture and upscaled
- Interior decals reworked and upscaled
- New leather texture and upscaled
- New leather_nm texture and upscaled
- New leather2 texture and upscaled
- New leather2_nm texture and upscaled
- Exterior lights textures reworked and upscaled
- New MAT_Carbon texture and upscaled
- New MAT_Carbon_nm texture and upscaled
- Reworked mat_metal_grey texture
- Reworked mat_metal_white texture
- Reworked mat_plastic_black texture
- Reworked mat_plastic_grey texture
- Reworked mat_rubber_dark texture
- Reworked mat_stainless texture and upscaled
- Reworked MAT_white texture
- Reworked metal_detail texture
- Reworked parts_d texture and upscaled
- Reworked pedals texture and upscaled
- Reworked PlasticDetail texture and upscaled
- Reworked RearLigth_glass and upscaled
- New scratches texture and upscaled
- New red stiches texture added to steering wheel and upscaled