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Ai update for goodwood 1.1

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Great job ! Could it be possible to improve the pit lane exit ? The Ai goes on the racing line before T1 and slows down for no reason.
Top notch work. All cars now finish the race
Big, big thank"s for your responsiveness.All you do is perfect.
Merci pour cet ajout et amélioration. Peut être pourriez vous également refaire la pitlane afin de pouvoir ravitailler en fuel...elle ne fonctionne pas actuellement car elle est coupée une centaine de mètres avant la zone des stands. Merci par avance
I can read French, but I can't reply in French. I'll try to fix the pitlane.
For someone who races predominantly offline, these ai updates are very much appreciated.
It's a real improvement, there are far fewer accidents. I hope that this fantastic circuit will regain interest!