Advanced Gamepad Assist

Advanced Gamepad Assist 1.5.2

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This is an absolutely amazing mod. An issue I face with this mod is whenever I launch any race or event and when I hit "start" after setting up the car, the game either runs perfectly or it crashes, it's a 50/50 thing that happens with this mod, I have to close content manager and reopen it and re-launch the race to be able to drive.
Are you sure that's caused by this mod? I raced with it a lot, never had issues like that. But if you're sure it's my mod causing it, then send me a message with what servers or cars you play with and I'll look into it.
By far the best gamedpad FX script out there, the only one that actually worked for me with my Xbox controller for every situation, the car doesn't feel on rails like others and actually has weight. Thanks and keep this awessome work!
After playing AC for a year straight with numerous different tweaks to controller scripts, this singlehandedly removes all the guesswork and streamlines the experience for all types of cars. Impressive work on the script man. The amount of work that must have went into this must be insane.
Now I can drive with keyboard easily. Maybe throttle and brake assist for keyboard too?
Hands down the best gamepad FX I've used - doesn't have the twitchy over-correction or high speed understeer I had with others. Default settings worked great with a Dualsense controller, and it has a whole suite of well-explained configs to refine if need be. Highly recommended! Kudos!
Until today I had to setup my gamepad as a wheel, because it was very difficult to control. With less steering angle in sharp corners and without Force Feedback it was not ideal.
Now it's much better, thank you!
Finally, I can experience the best of AC without having to connect my wheel all the time... a must-have app.
Absolutely fantastic. Best Gamepad FX.
I've seriously no complaints, it's great and very adaptable to any type of playstyle. Nice job!!
Def the best GamepadFX script, if you use a controller it's a must! Very good mod but I don't know why, when I play Shutoko Revival Project map the notification that says "Advanced Gamepad Assist - Calibration successful!" on the top of the screen doesn't go away... I hope this will be fixed soon. Btw, perfect!
Yeah, that's a small bug I noticed too. I'm fixing it in the next update. In the meantime if you re-calibrate the steering from the UI app, that should make it diappear.
Very good so far, in love with it!
5 stars, after a bit of tweaking and understanding what every controlo does one can find settings for pretty much any style of driving without tweaking .LUA manually every time they need adjustment. Perfect.
clearly the best gamepad fx right now, i really appreciate the customizability
The best GamepadFX at the moment.
Extremely good! Instantly turns the game from a barely survivable experience on a controller to essentially Gran Turismo 7 on the PC. Highly recommend for anyone who plays on a controller and I would dare say is the best GamepadFX extension that is available right now.
Seems really interesting! Will have to run some more tests to see how much I really gel with it, but from a few nordschleife runs in the RSS 23, i'm liking it so far!

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