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Acme Raceway 0.7

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With this update I have made quite a lot of improvements all over.

-Reworked some track sections to smooth out surfaces
-Slightly smoothed out 'the kink' in Sector 3
-Added some barriers, more to come
-Added cameras (my first try)
-Improved AI line significantly as they were frequently hitting the barrier at "the hump"
-Added more trees and some other eye candy with more focus to come on that in future updates

What's left:
-Big one is functional pits, the pits are laid out but not recognized by AC yet. It appears RTB is not naming the pit lane properly and I'll have to go into Blender to fix it, but I'm hoping for a RTB fix while there's still much for me to do
-More visuals, ads, banners, etc.
-AI could be improved, especially with braking hints
-Improve cameras, especially FOV changes
-anything else let me know
OK, getting closer here. For this version, I rebuilt the track from scratch due to issues with the original where cars "fall through the surface". I believe that's completely eliminated in this version.

At the same time, I reworked the track for smoothness and cut out the higher speed sections. The track is now only about 4300m and I think is much more suitable for touring cars, etc.

One note - this track has very little camber, so I'd say as a result you really need to get speed down before entering a turn. I set it this way because I think it puts more onus on drivers to drive the track. If you prefer the track with camber let me know and I could put some in. I look at camber as kind of a mini form of banking (IOTW a driver's aid) - maybe that's unfair or just wrong, you be the judge.

The major things still missing are collision borders, pit lane speed, and cameras. I don't know how to restrict pit lane speed yet, but the borders and cameras I think I'll have ready within a couple of days.

AI is working though I didn't test them pitting yet, and there seems to be a spawn problem with car 1 & 2 as AC drops one on the other before a race starts, though it doesn't much impact the race itself. There's also some minor fixes with the pits to be done, should be out soon.

I think this RTB proof of concept is starting to look like it will make it with no other tools. Let me know what you think with some feedback. Thanks!


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