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AC_TrackCycle 2.8.3

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2.2.2 (2015/09/05)
- fixed bug with broadcast_incidents = 0 not disabling broadcast of car collisions
- fixed session info in GUI not being set
- session report: warp detection improvement
2.2.1 (2015/08/13)
- restructured code
- renamed /send_chat to /broadcast
- renamed /send_pm to /send_chat
- fixed issue with DriverInfo not correctly carried over to next session
- some changes and additions to written session results (e.g. LapLength)
2.2.0 (2015/08/11)
- updated to new acServer UDP protocol version (AC v1.2.3)
- no longer needed to provide password for each admin command
- added "/send_pm carId msg" admin command
2.1.1 (2015/08/09)
- fixed problem with results broadcast sometimes screwed up (duplicate lines)
- truncating long driver and car names in results broadcast
- disabled BroadCastIncidents by default
- fixed problem with startpositions in session report
2.1.0 (2015/08/09)
- changed to .NET 4.0 (Client Profile is sufficient) instead of .NET 4.5.2
- updated to new AcServerPluginManager, allowing multiple internal and external plugins to be configured in exe.config
- added live fastest lap in session broadcast
- added driver welcome message
- added StartPosition and TopSpeed to SessionReport
- improved computation of race session position results