A7-Assist - Gamepad FX

A7-Assist - Gamepad FX 1.0.1

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At first I posted the Google Drive link on Twitter, but I wanted more people to use it, so I posted it here as well.

Minor corrections and changes have been made in this version.

  • You can enjoy cars with small steering lock angles like F1
    I just recently tried my first F1 ride in AC and it steering wheel soooo slow! It would be no exaggeration to call it a bug. That's not surprising, because regardless of the lock angle, Gamepad FX treats the steering wheel angle as a value from -1 to +1, so I had to increase the steering wheel speed relative to a car with a small lock angle.
    I was unaware of this, but apparently multiple improved versions were produced on the internet. Sorry to have bothered you!

  • Let's adjust your stick and trigger deadzones and gamma
    The gamepad settings in the Content Manager take effect after Gamepad FX scripting effects are applied. What that means is that you will no longer be able to adjust the deadzone or gamma of a stick when using scripts.
    But that's ok! From now on, you can freely change the deadzone and gamma by editing "assist.lua" file! (By default, the stick deadzone is set to 10%.)
    In addition, you can adjust the triggers in the same way. Let's explore the settings to your liking.

  • New vibration effects
    Think the standard vibration effects are a bit too shaky?
    Many people disable it because it makes their hands numb.
    Good news for you. You can now only vibrate when the front wheel slips!
    You can even edit the script to revert back to the previous behavior.

  • New editions oriented towards grip driving. Thanks Geraint!
    As an example of modification, I have included a script that makes the behavior similar to Geraint's Gamepad FX. This version is more suited for grip driving. Some features are disabled, but can be enabled by editing the script.

The handling is very different for cars with steering lock angle not 900 degrees, but the behavior is not much different.

I'm still working on an improved version!