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Just stunning! Awesome work!
Wow, nice!
Nice Skins, Thanks for sharing!!!
not only great skins you've made, but also a very creative presentations you bring here. absolutely magnificent.
Very beautiful skins. :-)
Fantastic. Thank you
Really nice stuff
Amazing work! Only problem is that the M6 skin extracts to a folder named "skin" rather than 'skins' and the Sim Racing Paddock skin doesn't extract to the skins folder but rather as its own folder. Other than that, it's pretty awesome seeing stuff like this.
Lola Kultakettu
Lola Kultakettu
Issue should be resolved now. Thanks for letting me know :3
thank you good man! Fantastic.
Good stuff! Some definite Wipeout feeling to some of these; which is never a bad thing :)
Lola Kultakettu
Lola Kultakettu
WipEout was definitely one of my main inspirations for designing these liveries. Thanks for noticing!
Great stuff ;)