WRC(2) Rally Finland - WRC 2 @ Finland - 2nd to 6th Aug 2024

Ole Marius Myrvold

JWB 96-13
Club Staff
After doing quite a few fast and/or jumpy rallies with Rally 1 cars, I think it is time to shake it up slightly, with WRC(2) Rally Finland! :)

Session Open: 2nd of August 00:00UTC to 6th of August 23:59UTC
Cars: Rally1
Shakedown & 45 Min Service
Leustu - Dawn - Clear - 11.1km
SS2: Maahi - Sunrise - Clear - 4.7km
Service - 45 Min
: Peltola - Morning - Clear - 6.1km
SS4: Venkajärvi - Morning - Clear - 10.4km
Service - 45 Min
SS5: Vehmas - Afternoon - Cloudy(dry) - 12.6km
SS6: Ruokolahti - Sunset - Light Rain (Wet) - 22.9km
Service - 45 Min
SS7: Saakoski - Night - Light Rain (Wet) - 4.8km

Assists & Tuning: Allowed
Hardcore Damage: On!

Have fun! :D

To participate in the event, you must join our WRC-game Rally Club.
You can also read more about the Rally Club here.
mmh, game doesn't start any more after the latest update? rebooted PC, nothing doing. I just get a small splash screen, it disappears, on the left it says 100% and then the "play" button turns green again??? weird. Off to play some ExoCross instead.
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mmh, game doesn't start any more after the latest update? rebooted PC, nothing doing. I just get a small splash screen, it disappears, on the left it says 100% and then the "play" button turns green again??? weird. Off to play some ExoCross instead.

I've seen some sparse reports of this in the EA games with that anti-cheat, but nothing concrete.
I have no idea how to theoretically fix it either :/
I've seen some sparse reports of this in the EA games with that anti-cheat, but nothing concrete.
I have no idea how to theoretically fix it either :/
I checked the EA and the Steam forums, there are several solutions found, none of them work for everyone, so I won't bother doing lengthy saving operations only to find out it doesn't work. Usually, stuff gets patched in 4-6 weeks, so I'll just check the two forums from time to time. For the moment I am out, sorry.
This one was weird.

For a start, I'll share a dislike for WRC2 ingame. One is the absurdly forgiving drive where the suspension is hovercraft-like and allows you to collect terrible driving habits due to god-like traction+stability all the time. So, I still end up preparing crests, etc, as if I was on a more punishing car for a pretty time loss. I can never grasp how far I'm still from the grip limits (or what arcade'ish driving l'll still be able get away with), when even with WRC1 "too fast" hints itself in a more natural way.

The second, it remains a Fabia RS Rally2 Cup, and unlike WRC1 class which sufferd some BoP later, it excludes any other car to be competitive. A step back from DR2's R5 class.
Heck, took the 19' Fiesta anyway, and ended up easily ~6s slower in Dry Peltola vs. my Skoda time on Wet(!). Well, racing other entries is also good competition, so I settled for it. Don't take me wrong, even on the better car I wouldn't be able to challenge magnar_haa's current top times.

All went well and safe (until...). Did a strategy that paid off by starting with soft>x>soft> from 1-6. The first set of Softs did fine for SS1-4, and then the newer Soft set excelled on SS5-6, making the long wet SS6 a confident breeze (wet has less tyre wear). The more obvious soft>soft>med>x strat would've denied me that. My final mistake was selecing the remaining new Med set for the very last short stage, instead of keeping the still serviceable worn Softs.
Got a RL puncture going wide by the 2nd sector mark (at a spot I was even prepared for) caught by unexpectedly different handling, having never ran Meds+wet in the event. Had to limp the hole stage. Fortunately, it's one of the quickest stages in the whole game, so, maybe just a ~20s loss.
Gl all!

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