XenForo uses a lot of nice features to keep you updated on developments on the forum.
If you go to your personal control panel (click your name top right) you can update your preferences.There are a lot of cool new features in it as you can:
- watch threads you created or posted in
- alert messages
- social features (build in twitter like update page)
- avatars (we need more avatars people )
- and tons of other stuff
Check it out http://www.racedepartment.com/forum/account/
If you go to your personal control panel (click your name top right) you can update your preferences.There are a lot of cool new features in it as you can:
- watch threads you created or posted in
- alert messages
- social features (build in twitter like update page)
- avatars (we need more avatars people )
- and tons of other stuff
Check it out http://www.racedepartment.com/forum/account/