UFLT - Laptime / Telemetry logging tool


Since I was missing a tool where I can compare my laptimes, see my progression and analyze telemetry data I developed a tool that is capable of handling all this stuff.

The tool is currently in heavy development and I think now is the right moment to get some users into it.

At the current stage laptimes and sector times are recorded. Telemetry is in the making, but this is a separate topic because of data amounts etc.
What you need to do:
  • Download and launch the client from here
  • Launch RR and do your laps.
  • Find your recorded laps there: www.010102.de

For those who are interested the stack:
- Spring Boot Backend
- Cassandra DB
- Elasticsearch

Looking forwards to your comments and ideas.




I think its working now.
Looking into the log it (at least for me) looks correct too.
And the 3 laps + 2 excluded crashed/aborted laps looks perfect.
I will have to try it a few times more before I fully believe it :)
The only strange thing is that the after session info box in the tool dont show name car track.

And the simple telemetry looks interesting too.
The only thing that could be nice was a display inside the telemetry graphs of the laptime.
Just as I have inserted in my pic of 2 laps graphs.
Because if its possible to see the laptime then its easier to pinpoint which telemetry expresses the best driving behaviour.

CatsAreTheWorstDogs: Please dont forget to think about the creating the telemetry "translator" we talked about to MoteC.
I would gladly donate some money for such a prog;)

I´ve added the time to the telemetry chart.
Translator: yes, is on my list, but I need to implement some other features first. This whole thing is of course not for free in terms of hosting and database stuff for me.
Thanks for the laptime thing - and the tool is still working for Bruno Bæ :thumbsup:
Hehe I can see that our talk about my LB laps on Hockenheim has awaken one of the semi aliens who has "stolen" my #1 by 0.030.
But Im working on it:roflmao:

Sounds great - and then we dont have to fill your server with old garbage:)

An example of how even this rather basic telemetry can give a surprising discovery when you analyze lap curves like the 3 lap session I posted above.
Because examining the posted curves I found a significiant difference between the fastest lap and the others.
(We are talking about the 90 degrees corner after the longest curved straight on Hockenheim).
On the fastest lap in the session I only shifted down 2 gears while I was braking and then made the following 2 gears down while I was coasting without throttle or brake input.
On the slower laps I tried to make all 4 gear down while I was braking.:whistling:
Practicing this 2 + 2 technic Im becomming slightly more consistent - and (hopefully) overall faster.:thumbsup:

The laptimes itself are not a problem. Its rather the telemetry. This is why it is currently limited to 4 inputs and 10Hz only. More inputs / higher recording rate, lap by lap comparisson will be a part of a "pro" package, that im hoping to cover my costs with.

Still need to find a good balance of what this should cost :D

What would you need to improve the telemetry?
What would you need to improve the telemetry?
The most obvious thing (as can be seen in my example above) is that the time scale (x-vector/horisontal) should allways be the same (on the same track) - to make it easier to compare 2 or more laps.
In my example above the 2 fastest laps ends with 1.20 while the 3rd ends with 1.30.
This make it more difficult to compare laps.

The other (probably more difficult thing to implement) could be to be able to overlay one graph upon another.
Because in almost any use of telemetry graphs/numbers you are interrested in some comparasment(compare) between laps or positions on a track
Like in my example the same corner on 3 different laps.
Thats also the reason Im SOOOO interrested in a "translator" between Raceroom and MoteC - because MoteC is more or less invented to make it extremely easy to compare different laps.
Ok i get your point.
Actually the laps *should* be aligned on the timescale. Nevertheless your first lap seems to have ~10 sec of unnecessary data in the beginning which is a glitch. Gonna look into this and fix it.

I will be adding a picture of the track with the car position which should help aligning the data.
Rumors tell that starting with version 3.7 position data is submitted as well :D. By clicking / dragging in the telemetry graph the position on track is marked with a circle.

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Telemetry data has been added gauges for speed, rpm, throttle and brake forces.

Brake areas (red) and coasting areas (blue - no brake, no throttle) are made visible on the track sketch. This is part of a upcomping "Pro"-package

Because of our communication here I have recieved a secret ad-PM ;) about some phantastic payware telemetry tool(RST) - but my answer was that if you have ever tried the real MoteC telemetry tool you will never look anywhere else.:sneaky:
Have you abandoned thoughts about a future Raceroom>MoteC "translator" @filthz ?
Well as their format is protected I will not be offering direct MoteC export options. I dont know if there are any 3rd party tools that can convert .csv data into motec formats. CSV export is something I can easily offer.

But im not seeking for any legal issues :)
MoteC can actually import/export from/to csv - but only if you buy some extra tools.:sneaky:
The free MoteC app can not.
To the best of my knowledge the 2 guys who I linked to who allready have created "convertors" from iRacing and rF2(GTR2) have not got into ANY legal issues.
But its ofcourse your decision if you dont want to bother with such a convertor.
Hehe but since I was infected by this MoteC experience I just miss it in my daily Raceroom sessions.:sleep:

CatsAreTheWorstDogs: I just found a MoteC graph from my iRacing days calculating both the grip for exact track positions and the avg grip for individual laps. Its probably only MoteC with its integrated algoritm code that is able to do that.:cool:
Haha next time I get an ad-PM I will ask if the phantastic payware telemetry tool(RST) is able to do that :roflmao::roflmao:

MoteC grip calculation.png