It appears to have made no difference, whine is still the same and Index still grey screening everytime I touch it.
It appears to have made no difference, whine is still the same and Index still grey screening everytime I touch it.
Do you power the PC from the same wall outlet as the servos?
Looks like you are making a ground loop via the USB connector for the AMC...
Also can you post some photos of the wiring? It seems like your body acts like antenna for the EMI noise conducted via the frame perhaps? I can't really say without seeing your setup.
They are not on the same outlet but on the same wall that has 4 outlets. The motion is on one closest to the main breaker. PC and everything else is on an outlet a bit further along that wall.
I will try running the motion from a nearby bathroom via extension cord.
OMG! Some electrician should be shot!
OMG! Some electrician should be shot!
Can you pull enough romex out of the wall to fish out the ground wire in both cables and both connect them and then ground them to the outlet?
The question is whether they all look like that, or if this is an outlier.
Running it from an outlet further away via extension cord made no difference.
I did however learn that unplugging the one actuator that emits the high pitch whine stops the whine completely, but this sadly had no positive effect on the Index grey screening. Furthermore on this one actuator emitting all the sound, could it be a loose wire/solder point somewhere?
Didn't help I appreciate all the support though!
The Index uses the same 2 prong power supplies with no ground for the base stations and for the Headset.
View attachment 319221
Have you tried grounding it using the USB connector in the 'frunk'?
Hahaha, now, it's the time to start a meditation of your converter, from AC110V to bed~lolI have nice power converter for sale. Still in the box. Rofl
That's a great news! Thank you.