This tool is just great, but the documentation on how to run this on a different laptop is really confusing.
That said, I'd gladly pay a license if there was a nice step-by-step explanation on how to get this to work
One note, you cannot get data from the Console version of ACC, as there is no data feed available. (If Kunos implements this, then I will add support for it).
This way you get data from the PC version of ACC to different computer :
- Install the Telemetry tool on the PC, where you run ACC (ACC PC). Do the normal install there so that you get the data from ACC to the Telemetry tool running on the same computer as ACC. Also Find the IP address of the laptop. (Either with ipconfig from commandline or with the Telemetry tool "Tools" -> "Show my IP Address".)
- Install Telemetry tool on the laptop. (Maybe test with the apps.FxFeed, that it can receive local data). Find the IP address of the laptop (LAPTOP_IP).
- On the ACC PC, in the Telemetry tool go 'Settings' --> 'ACC Settings'.
- Set the broadcast settings (and make a note for the values for yourself),
- leave the "Remote IP" as it is.
- Set as 'ACC Relay IP' the IP of the laptop (LAPTOP_IP above). Leave Port as it is.
- Save the settings.
- On the laptop, in the Telemetry tool go 'Settings' --> 'ACC Settings'.
- Set the broadcast settings to be same as in 3.1, i.e. in ACC PC's Telemetry tool settings
- Set the remote IP to be the ACC_PC's IP Address, you found at 1)
- If you changed in 3.3. the port, update the port here. Otherwise leave the data as it is.
- Save settings.
If the laptop is running Linux or Mac, then make sure, the "listening port" in 'Settings' --> 'Networking Settings' is same as the one, you set in 3.3. You can verify this by looking at the ACC_Relay start messages (on ACC PC) and then in the Laptop in Telemetry view press CTRL-I to see the info, which shows the active port.
Now we have the settings done (hopefully correctly).
When you start using the tool, start ACC_Relay on the ACC PC, then start ACC there too.
Start Telemetry tool on laptop. If settings are done correctly, It should 1) connect to the ACC running on ACC PC to request broadcast data and 2) receive the ACC_Relay data via UDP.
You can press CTRL-M on the laptop and you will see a message in the messagebox there, if the connection is successful.
I have tested this with Telemetry tool running in Virtual environment on Linux and the ACC running on the host Windows.
PS. Other way is to enable the UDP_Redirect on the ACC PC. In 10.3 or earlier the Broadcast data forwarding has small bug in it (fixed in 10.4, planned release next weekend after new ACC version is out). Using the redirect you would run the Telemetry tool on ACC PC too, but forward the data to the Laptop. This might be easier way, but with ACC it will only be usefull after 10.4 is out.