GT5 Team events

Would anyone be interested in team races? Two drivers per team? Would need a system for pairing drivers together to balance things up, but I think that's possible. Would work well in a league format, in either a one car for all series or a performance points restricted league so teams could select their own cars.

Anyone interested? Any ideas or comments?
Already have plans for a team based league, but it depends on the success of the current league. It also needs a good amount of interest, because with only 16 available grid slots they all need to be filled to make teams worth bothering with.
I would love some team driving where faster drivers would team up with slower ones so that they learn and get better. In this way team and all other events would get more competitive.

I agree there Dub, team events are great for everyone.. For the "faster" drivers it's a chance to teach thier team-mate everything they know..

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