T300 not calibrating/other issues

Hello. So after i swapped the faulty main circuit board of my t300 and checking if it works out, ive noticed a couple of things that have yet to make the wheel fully functional.
First of all, my wheel rotates only around 1 inch to the right and back to the left endlessly, unless i use the txrw motor calibration tool and i unplug/replug it midway, having restarted the app afterwards.
Letting the txrw app do its thing without unplugging the usb cord will just run endlessly and never stop showing steps along the log text. If i do it the way i said above though, it will run, show stall detected, retry(and the steps) but WILL stop moving endlessly. Then i just terminate txrw.
This way i can also see that buttons actually are shown been pressed into the control panel window. The only thing thats not responding is the wheel steering position and test forces.
I've tried several other troubleshooting attempts but to no avail so far. Is there something else i can do or is there perhaps a hardware issue thats not addresed?

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