Survey for my dissertation - Please complete :)

Jimi Hughes

RDMCC S6 Champion
Hi guys,

Im doing a survey/questionnaire regarding road safety for my final year project at Uni which is about "using motorsport technology to make road cars safer."

I would really appriciate any responses from you guys here at RD, it is aimed at people who hold a driving licence, but I will be greatful for any responses. The questionnaire wont take a minute to complete and is really simple, just follow the link below direct to the questions, and it will be a great help to me for my dissertation.

Thanks in advance, :)


EDIT: LINK REMOVED. I have recieved a fantastic response race from Race Department, so I am now focusing the rest of the server away from the motor industry/motorsport fans. For any further questions regarding the project, or to find out my progress or if you have any links/input on the subject, please feel free to let me know via this thread :)
Thanks Guys!

Yeah Ive got quite a few different sources, many are non motor industry and non 'sim racing nut cases'!!! :)

Also, I should note that some questions may relate to the UK and european roads (such as NCAP safety ratings) but im sure it can be interpreted the same way for most parts of the world.

Cheers for your help!

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