PC2 Stupid ai

Yesterday i did a 24hr race nordschleife offline audi lms gt3 ai on 70 agresion on 40
Ai rams me of the track a lot of times.... on the straight dottinger hohe ai likes genetta gt3 past me easy.. please

Please slightly mad studio fix this!:cautious:
Ai doesn't adjust setups until you start using an ai strength above 80%.
Aggression is not how aggressive they are towards you....its how racey they become...the higher the aggression the more the ai will attempt to pass or make a move on you when you leave the door open.
I run 93% AI strength with 80% aggression. I rarely have problems with AI contact (not nearly to extent of R3E for example or even Assetto Corsa.)

As was mentioned earlier, aggression only affects how often the AI is willing to overtake - not how similar to Max Verstappen or a touring car driver they are.
I usually run AI at 105-110 and never had ramming problems, they're very realistic on how they approach and overtake.

The only time I've had problems was when trying to do a 24h race on the Nordschleife, GTE+LMP1.

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