I know it seems unlikely, but, I'm pretty sure GSC sync did do a number on my hard drive. I don't install anything that isn't necessary on my C drive, I have a separate drive[E:] for "add-ons". On that hard drive, I have separate folders for different programs, ie a folder named "Flight" for flight sims, "Racing" for driving sims etc... After all the trouble I had with GSC sync, I got locked out of the "Racing" folder - inaccessible because a file is "corrupted or unreadable". All my different rF installs, GTR2, GPL, GTL, GP4, NR2003 GP500 etc... Everything, anything with my name and an executable, I got locked out of. As we all know, getting some of those older titles to run on win 7 can be a chore. That folder named Racing represented years worth of time and effort. Bye, bye! Opening anything on the E drive took forever after running GSC sync. I was however, still able to do so. As stated in one of my earlier posts, I couldn't enter my computer in safe mode. I also mentioned that every time I started my "confuzer" something else was amiss. I didn't mention extremely long load times on start up, nor did I mention that after the windows splash screen finished it went to disk check. So this morning, when the whole E drive became inaccessible, I opened my case and unplugged it. Guess what? I was able to enter safe mode and my load times were lightning fast as they had been before. GSC sync was the only thing I did before all these problems started.
Look, I love GSCEx - I donated. Once I get things sorted, I look forward to being able to run a SuperV8 at Montreal. I will continue to sing the praises of GSC. But this is not user error, as this sort of thing most times is.
If anyone has the time, patience and skills, would you help me to recover, or direct me to a tutorial about how to recover the data from the affected hard drive? As you can see, I am less than thrilled about the prospects of reformatting the whole shooting match. I would be happy to take any advice by PM so as not to take up forum space with this issue.
Keep up the good work Reiza! Seriously! I bear no hard feelings - things happen. That's why they are called confuzers.