I've added you with the LMP3 mateLMP3 for me please
Sign me up for LMP3 please
BTW: in thread title it's Friday not Saturday.
I've added you both to the listGTE please
Ah OKI've added you both to the list
@avenger82 the race is Friday
Count me in the GTE please
Sign me up with GTE please.
You've all been added to the listGTE for me, please
I've added you to the list budSign me up with LMP3 please
You have been added to the GTE list!In, GTE!
I shall add you to the list!hello
Sign me up for Lmp3 please
Awesome! You have been added to the LMP3 list!I'll give this a go too, LMP3 here pls!
You have also been added to the list!I'm in, lmp3