PC2 Sounds effects are pretty good, except...

I just jumped back into the PC2 pool after hearing good things about the latest major updates after I purchased and refunded early on in it's release. Finding myself pleasantly surprised at the level of immersion in VR and am having a blast. Sound effects and some other minor visual effects are part of that reason...except I seem to be missing one (what I consider) major sound effect that is in a lot of the other major racing sims/games. That is the sound of the pinging and panging of marbles of rubber hitting the wheel wells in the car when tires are up to temp, or a the loud pinging you get from the rocks and pebbles that get stuck in a heated tire when going off track and then coming back on track. iRacing, AC, RRE, all have this sound effect built-in. Would love to get that put in the next update. :)

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