it appears as we went way too far with the hatred towards RSS, a member that was in a mutual Discord server has scolded us so hard that it caused physical pain and had us to rethink about what we have done in all of these months.

of course, it was our mistake after the mods in the RSS discord banned us because they saw us being in a pirated server that we almost never interacted with other than to try to report the content shared from that server. we were meant to report the servers to discord for stealing and sharing content from it's official and original source. afterall, there are reasons why stuff like this caused numerous amounts of fake/knockoff versions that can potentionally have a virus. and you may know well that any content that contains a harmful data that can affect the user's experience in a way that will harm their computers (like leaking passwords or installing a malware/virus on the user's device without knowing) is a huge violation of the regulations set by OverTake and pretty much everywhere else

our hatred is starting to fade away and we may start to use their mods again. we might even get the mods from them through the official website again. as for their Discord server, we went with the safe route to say that we are still permanently banned from their server, but who knows. it's best to just move on and pretty much just enjoy their Formula Hybrid series.

if we are being incredibly honest, those hatred moments has been negatively affecting us physically as we kept thinking about them everytime we look at the skins for an RSS mod and that is okay, creativity is important afterall. and we realized that RaceSimStudio is more popular for their skins. we totally understand the amount of effort it's being put into making these mods and that is what matters in quality.

we may look forward to try their Formula Hybrid® 2024 if they release it. not sure if they will include the engine startup procedures like they did with one of their more recent Formula RSS mods but if they do, that should definitely make them better. if it drives well, we may even like them more equally and will be willing to see what else they offer in the world of both RSS and OverTake.
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Reading your other postings, it appears to me you are very hateful towards RSS. But this is not the way to show how much you dislike RSS products. I’m afraid it all sounds now more, if you are in need of psychological help.
Why not make comparison videos about RSS with your alternative car. Today I did watch a split video compare an RSS with the same car from Simdream and I was surprised.
It’s not my attention to make you ridiculous, if think so, pm me and I will delete this.
Reading your other postings, it appears to me you are very hateful towards RSS. But this is not the way to show how much you dislike RSS products. I’m afraid it all sounds now more, if you are in need of psychological help.
Why not make comparison videos about RSS with your alternative car. Today I did watch a split video compare an RSS with the same car from Simdream and I was surprised.
It’s not my attention to make you ridiculous, if think so, pm me and I will delete this.
honestly, comparing the cars from other brands like VRC, Sim Dream or ACFL is pretty common but since it hasn't been posted a lot on YouTube (if we are not mistaking), we do have plans to test them a little further. we currently have the Formula Hybrid® 2023 from RSS and the Formula Alpha 2023 from VRC. as of now, the VRC car felt much better because of the engine startup in the CSP version, but performance may vary between them
honestly, comparing the cars from other brands like VRC, Sim Dream or ACFL is pretty common but since it hasn't been posted a lot on YouTube (if we are not mistaking), we do have plans to test them a little further. we currently have the Formula Hybrid® 2023 from RSS and the Formula Alpha 2023 from VRC. as of now, the VRC car felt much better because of the engine startup in the CSP version, but performance may vary between them
My honest opinion and that’s pure personal and what I like as a VR user is that it’s clearly to see that RSS designer do not have an VR headset. In cockpit mode, it’s missing the fine details of fibers/structures, while the 3D depth is to flat and seeing pixelated text on the Formule car skin in VRcockpit mode is amateurish. But maybe for monitor users, behind the cars back racers and photoshoot races, these car mods could be the best.
btw compare also URD mods, for YT.
My honest opinion and that’s pure personal and what I like as a VR user is that it’s clearly to see that RSS designer do not have an VR headset. In cockpit mode, it’s missing the fine details of fibers/structures, while the 3D depth is to flat and seeing pixelated text on the Formule car skin in VRcockpit mode is amateurish. But maybe for monitor users, behind the cars back racers and photoshoot races, these car mods could be the best.
btw compare also URD mods, for YT.
we will see what we can do here. it's nice that you like to drive in VR, that gives in a more immersive experience. as for RSS, it should be fine if they didn't make the fine details in the C-Pit mode (we call it C-Pit because Cockpit seems to sound a little bit weird for some reason)
Think that’s why it’s all so personal.
As a showroom driver wants the outside details and moving doors for his video/ photo shoots, a low spec driver wants a car with performance less impact, a triple screen user does not care about 3D, you dislike the fine details in the “C-pit” while I can not have an nice drive without.
Conclusion: it’s not a matter of RSS mods are bad made, but not ideal for my/ your specific taste and hardware.
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