Hi ! Unfortunately it's the new hardware revision. I took a look and the way to communicate is really different so without this specific hardware revision in hands in can't do anythingHi @Wotever
I have the same problem of @Napsterium, and my FW is 1.02.004 and FW is
Let´s hope you can help.
Thank you
Hi Wotever,Hi ! Looks like there are new HW revisions around wich is breaking compatibility, I will look about what I can do.
About installer I noticed it when vjoy was already installed, I think the best way will be to totally separate the vjoy installer to avoid any conflicts
you should try "sendinput +u"
You are my Hero Many Thx now it Works
It would be so cool if there are a Dynamic icon Update on this software do you Plan something new on in sim Deck?Wotever submitted a new resource:
SimDeck - Convert your elgato StreamDeck into a button box
Read more about this resource...