There is something wrong with the sound when car collides with objects. It is either very muted or can't be heard at all.
Are you on a stereo headset and tried the 'Headphone Mix' in the Audio settings?
Multiplayer rarely works.
There is some bug in the MP system right now, SMS has released a quick workaround fix at the weekend and a more solid solution is to be expected during this week, according to one of the devs in the Project Cars official forum:!&p=1359129&viewfull=1#post1359129
The biggest problem for me though is the handling. I tried driving BMW E30 Group A. the most , because I know very well how that car feels and behaves in Raceroom. Now I refrain from saying which of the games is more realistic to not start a war here, but I have a hard time keeping my car under control in PCars2 whereas it handles beautifully in Raceroom. Granted that may be because Raceroom is too easy to drive and I'm just a noob and have no skill to drive the real simulators which PCars2 certainly aspires to be.
Most - if not all - of the cars have two default setups: a more 'looser' one and something called 'stable' - and some cars even have one called 'OEM' that was provided through the real cars manufacturer. Driving wheel users are provided with the 'loos setup' by default. So maybe you should load the stable one and try this to check the driving. Remember: those predefined setups just use the given car setup options and there is no magic down under the hood - so it's maybe just a different setup that you experience differences.
Plus: To take other racing games (aka sims) as the one and only reference how a certain car should drive and behave seems not to be the best choice in my point of view, if one wants to achieve the closest thing to reality. If one wants that the cars drive like in game X, I think he should always load that X-game ...
---- My overall feedback ---
First: I am a WMD member myself, so I am clearly biased to rate pCARS2 more on the positive side, but I won't say that it's perfect right now. But I don't see any real game breaking things this time at the release - I myself and a bunch of friends in my German simracing community, with some guys being rather sceptical after V1, had so much fun racing in pCARS2 online through the whole release weekend.
The MP problems got a workaround right on this release weekend so that it could be used - not perfectly, but it's usable. And the other things, like the problems with the AI, will get some dedicated love from the devs during the next weeks and month. Having such a broad selection of cars and tracks that even could be mixed with each other is not an easy task to be solved perfectly - and if one is fair: there are many complains with the AI in other racing titles as well and it took sometimes more than a year after release until better usable systems were delivered - and most of the other titles have cars and classes that work very well and others that don't work at all together with AI.
But the complete package is so full of options and possibilities that even being very active in testing a lot during the WMD phase I just scratched the surface with this racing sim. I am very confident that the most 'bug like' issues will get solved and with other things that don't work like one maybe is used to from other games, you should give it a solid chance. One example: In one of our many first tests last weekend we tried the snow racing. The first cars we had chosen didn't drive very well at all with studded tires on snow, so that I was thinking that something got basically broken in the release version. Then we did choose the 'Mitsubishi Lancer VI TME', put in on studded (Ice) tires in the snow season at the Nordschleife Combined track and had a real blast racing this car around through a winter's night with heavy snow falling down from the air. And the more snow covered the track the better the racing went ... quite stunning graphics and racing wise (and living in the southern part of Germany myself I have quite some experience in driving under sometimes heavy winter conditions).
So my conclusion so far is: This will give a lot of people a lot of fun in a demanding racing environment - better say in a bunch of different racing environments under one hood - one has just to be open minded enough to give it a solid chance - it's very well right out of the box and just could get better and I am confident it will get improved for the better.