Shock News: Mercedes to Quit DTM Post 2018

Yep, I have seen the news for the UK.
No more petrol or diesel cars to be sold after 2040.
The main reason is the air pollution caused by diesel in cities.
Same thing happening in France.
Diesel again.
Many more diesel cars in France.

Now can you see why Mercedes are thinking about promoting electric cars via E Racing?
Now can you see why Fiat want Ferrari in E Racing?
Market share and brand promotion.
Reprogram the peasants.

So around 30 million plus electric cars running around the UK.
So can someone please explain how this is going to be powered?
Then there is the vans, trucks, lorries, buses, diesel trains, diesel boats, diesel farm machines, military machines...electric tanks anyone?
How are you going to power all this?
Renewable energy perhaps?
What happens when the sun doesn't shine?
What happens when the wind doesn't blow?
Perhaps everything will stop.

30 million plus charging sites needed, for 30 million plus cars in the U.K.
Think about that just for a moment.
Hours to fully charge a car.
Who is going to pay for the charging sites; you will.
And where are they going to go?
You will lose parking spaces just to make room for all the new charging units.
Enjoy your time wasted at the 'community charging unit', (sponsored by McDonald's), you live up north in a place with terraced houses right up to the pavement, the local council has given you a community charging unit at the end of your street, and you have to queue..
Brave new world.

Have you ever tried to park in any UK city?
Not easy is it?
In our brave new world we will have rows and rows of electric cars sat at charging sites, not moving for hours on end..

The streets will be littered with charging sites, one electric car=one socket.
People will say, 'well, you will have them at your home'.
Flats, terraced houses, tower blocks, how will that work?
This is the UK, working people are using food-banks, we cannot even upgrade the rail system; a system 'we' invented...
It is falling to bits..

Electric bills; what fun..
Most if not all, I have not checked, electric suppliers in the U.K. are owned by European companies.
The UK is leaving the EU, just in case you have not noticed...
Think the electric unit price will not go up?
Think again.
More power stations needed, many more.
You will pay for that investment via your electric bill.
Think European power companies will not see the U.K. as a 'cash cow'...
Think again.

Cashless society coming soon.
The poor will go back to having to barter with twigs; but that doesn't matter..
So, no cash, no local petrol station.
Just the charging unit at your house.
Or the community pay as you go unit at the end of the street.
But you have no money in the bank.
What do you do?
Or you have not paid the electric bill from last month.
You have been cut off.
Switched off.
Brave new world.
Total control.

Ships and flying machines.
Funny how no one, no one ever moans about them.
100s of ships bringing us cheap crap from China, chugging out tons of emissions everyday of the year, nonstop.
Sky full of wonderful flying machines, chugging out sulfur dioxide in the once blue sky, blowing on the wind, straight into your lungs...
You can get lung cancer from airplane emissions, yet no one moans about it.
Maybe the hipster guys like wonderful flying machines, simply because they fly to cool places, so they can take cool photos...
So, you drive to the airport in your eco-green-clean-machine, and jump on the wonderful flying machine. And chug out a few tons of sulfur dioxide on the way to baby..
Brave new world.

What is going to happen when the African countries realise that those hipster guys, need African cobalt for their electric car batteries to get them to the airport, etc?
The price will go up, big time..
China makes all the batteries.
So, you will have China indirectly controlling the western worlds transportation infrastructure.
China has been, and is, buying vast lands in Africa.
Wonder why?
Think about it.
Remove the nasty oil barons, and replace them with the nice, new, clean battery barons.
Perhaps more wars...
Just like the oil wars that are going on now.
Fighting over batteries..
Look how far we have come.
And round and round we go..
More dead bodies.
Brave new world, just like this one.

Honestly, we should all be just a bit worried.
The cost of this new infrastructure will be huge.
In the U.K. We are told daily by the government that there is no money for anything.
Oh, except the 3 Billion aircraft carrier, the one with no aircraft...
A 3 Billion pound target...
Yet, it is you and me that will pay for all this.
Funny that we have never been asked...
Still, no change there.

As always, a simple issue like Mercedes switching racing programs is far, far deeper.
Perhaps Mercedes should invest in electric tanks...

Footnote; I have not 'murdered' anyone in the process of writing this rant, honest.
Love and peace, try it, you might like it..x